Damn, it's like everyone in here is in love with Google. All the people cheering for Google in here are probably the same ones who were against Microsoft bundling their FREE Internet Explorer with the OS which lead to a Monopoly. I guess free isn't always good for the consumer.
"thats a lot of paypal addresses that are going to start getting some letters in the post from the feds asking them to pay a fine too, LOL"
Google's behavior is not surprising. I figured this was coming as soon as I realized that Google promoted its services over everyone else's in search results.
You have no proof to back up your statement. Even if he did do that it would be better than using money to set up dog fighting or drug running organizations.
Everyone needs to calm down. The scientists were doing the ants a favor. They made their heads larger to make their asses not look as big.
Pacu Fish: I am coming for your balls!!!!....no Homo
These things depend on the condition of your powerlines in your house. So with older houses this might not work to well.
If Jim Carrey can breast feed in public then I don't see a problem with babies doing it.
I have not posted on here in a while and this article brought me back. So here goes...
Of course not, drives more hits to their other sites
@drmrw: I wouldn't go making the $999 dollar claim until Sony actually prices it (Like the ad says)
I see Nintendo went cheap with the power cable. Regardless of the fact that I can buy a extension cord they should have least made the power cable 2 feet instead of 5 to 6 inches. That is ridiculous.
@(Zombie) Jölan: OK, make sure you get healbot. Healbot will make healing 99% less dificult. My son was able to heal using the mod and he never healed before.
@cwbys21: What he is referring to is that if you have an active internet connection the game will still check for an update. However there are 2 ways around this. Either disable your internet connection on the PS3 or do the simplest, PRESS THE "O" button to cancel the update. Then the game will play without the…
Breaking News!!! A Japanese person who thinks he is superior to everyone else.
"Holy macaroni! I can't believe I'm
@Minck: By your last sentence I take it you are gay. When they do allow gays to openly serve, which should be coming soon since women went through the same ordeal, I hope you will sign up to defend our country.
@Dogen: as soon as the cable companies in America stop setting download caps that rape you if you go over them. Also the America infrastructure sucks and costs too much. I can get 200MBps download in Japan for 69 a month.
Ahhhh voice recognition. The savior or destroyer of new technology. Almost always the latter.