
I don't think watching the video makes me a sick fuck.

He's been relegated to writing about the abysmal Girls.

That's a hard thing to do, putting down your dog. We've had to have two euthanized, and if you can get to your vet to do it, have them come to your house and let them die where they love to be most. With the first, we were lucky in that the cremation people came to the house and picked up our beloved dog, as well.

We attended a Redskins/Panthers game in November at the Redskins stadium (our son is a huge Panther's fan), and I was shocked at the number of Panthers jerseys. It seemed pretty close to half the people there were Panthers fans.

My husband is whitey-white, from Pennsylvania, and a huge Dallas fan. It's embarrassing.

Even in my quest to lose 50 pounds, I never once gave up my Friday afternoon chocolate-dipped Krispy Kreme donut. I savored every last bite, knowing that it would another week until I could reach into that case with my little waxy sheet, put that little beauty into the bag, and walk out with my reward. Still lost the

There's a glass shield to prevent that, but whatever you do with the donut in the privacy of your own vehicle is your business.

If any of y'all ever get down to the Outer Banks, there is a incredible place called Duck Donuts - they make them right there in front of you and dip the hell out of them in this super-thick, gooey chocolate glaze that will make you orgasm right there in front of the counter, before you even walk out the door.

For once, and only this once, I will reply to you, and agree with you. But just remember that those athletes are not the bad guys - they are the ones out there trying to make a better life for themselves.

Well, the women's team is doing pretty well right now. Maybe they could lend a hand!

Team performance, mainly. He seems to blame the losses on everything and everyone but himself. There was a large write-up in our local paper (Virginia Pilot) a few weeks back for which he was interviewed, and he seemed to really take no blame for his part in the disastrous season. As for the drinking, it's not

That pulled pork one looks delicious, but I'd like to see a recipe for a vinegar-based sauce to go with, as anyone knows that pork with a tomato-based sauce is just a sloppy joe.

We've been waiting for this to happen all year. It was time for him to go. He blamed the losses on him team's youth and inexperience, on recruiting, on the bad moon cycles, but a lot of people here were just ready for him to move on. On the other hand, Norfolk State (another local team) is doing really well, so at

I can't comment on the front pages (my computer is messed up), but we have a rescued foxhound mix, and she gets along famously with our border collie/shepherd mix. She is very clingy at times, but she is the sweetest dog we've ever had, other than the hound mix we took off the streets starving years ago, who is no

Newpaper plastic sleeves make excellent poop pick-up bags: stick your hand down inside to the end, pick up the poop, and invert the sleeve over the poop, and tie it off.

Emilio was by far the most talented and mature designer. Anthony Ryan had some skills, and Uli was kind of a one-noter with really greasy hair, but Emilio had it all going on. I think Isaac Mizrahi had a hard-on for Anthony Ryan.

Yep. I'm sending my husband and son off to the Flyers/Hurricanes game on 2/2, so I get the house to myself all weekend, and I couldn't be happier. Just me and the dogs, and eating pancakes for dinner!

Just so you know, this assclown has been stalking/harrassing me/posting my Facebook pictures to this site/threatening me for a week now. The mods cleaned out my inbox, but he has started again, and he is a sick piece of trash. And I'm not the only one.

Now he's threatening me, so it's gotten serious. I was ignoring his patheticness, but I have contacted Gawker now.

That's quite a trail, and I haven't even clicked on that article yet myself! And how did you end up on my name? This place is strange sometimes - I once had someone send me a PM on my Facebook page after seeing a comment on a Jezebel thread four years ago, and she went to my profile, looked my name up, and found me