
Medvedev is in a foul mood, throws a tantrum at the towel guy

Wow, I’ve never seen this impassioned a defense for Melo’s bum ass since Stephen A. went big time. I’ve said what I’m gonna say, Melo is toast at this point, he won’t be missed

Melo’s a bum. He’s rarely even bothered to get into top flight shape unless it was an olympic year. He threw coaches and teammates under the bus his whole career. He would rather shoot a lot and lose on his terms then be self reflective and think that maybe there were ways he could improve or be a better teammate.

Yeah because teammates often criticize other teammates for getting good contracts ? GTFOH

These method actors are getting out of hand

I mean I think her issue is that she’s just kind of there- like Michael Bennett (also a Senator) or hell to a lesser extent Booker or Harris- none of them seem to offer major policy options that distinguish them from the pack in the way Warren has and other than Booker none are particularly charismatic.

Wait until he learns the there’s a NEW Mexico!

HBO was willing to pony up all the money the show needed to made right. The network wanted to finance full length seasons. It was Weiss and Benioff who’d come down with a massive case of senioritis and decided to phone it in so that they could move on to other projects like Confederacy and Star Wars. I thought this

I mean yes she’s very strong, but look at the entirety of her character since the beginning. She literally has not valued herself from the very start. The only reason she’s even involved with the Starks was because of her love for Renly. Everything she has done in the show was the bizarre extension of a promise she

Asked for comment, most women didn’t respond, and several others simply wrote, “Hey.”

As part of the promotion, Austin Rivers will bumble around the court in solidarity.

Basically, amateurism has always been a cynical sham.

* Schools don’t have to pay an extra cent if they don’t want to. Schools that attract the best athletes have boosters dying to pump money into the program.

Because it’s so lucrative and alums are suckers for things that make them feel good about their school? I think it’s fine as long as people are honest and treat it as marketing for the school. I don’t see people getting worked up when UPenn runs medical clinics in South Jersey.

Not sure. Maybe a fall-back for sliders who aren’t making it in singles? I’ve known lugers, even got to slide a short section of the Lake Placid track (disorienting!) on a borrowed sled one night, and they are an odd, nice, and dorky bunch. Good people, with insane isometric strength. But different from, say, the ski

But you see this is you being selective as fuck again, no one is pulling shit out of thin air. He discusses it himself in his comedy. It all isn’t that big of a deal.

*Everyone*, even people with addiction issues have stories they want to take to the grave. And addicts usually also have a fair share of stories they were too fucked up to remember properly. That doesn’t make everything (or anything) Jones said true, but I don’t buy this “he’s an addict, so his kids must have a

Yeah but the factors you mention would be relevant if the children were confirming the story, not if they’re denying it.Because a death bed confessional or diary would confirm something not be enough to deny something as specific as sleeping with a certain celebrity.

Richard Pryor was not straight nor was he gay. It’s complicated, but certainly not BS.