

Mah brodah!

I saw a dumb person
‘Cause now they are easier to spot
But because of the whole internet
They are hard to stop

The only useful tip for people who played the original is the #15 about Red9, and maybe #10.

Mah brodas!
Is Metroid Prime so complex, so we need a walkthrough for all this stuff?
Or maybe I’m becoming an arrogant player who thinks new gamers became dumber after PS3 generation, because of lack of mental challenges. The “took my hand, I’ll show you exactly where to go”.

Ashley made a tutorial about how to get Gravity Suit, which is mandatory to progress. So, you can estimate the ‘gamer level’ here.

Mah Broda!

Mah brodas!
What’s the point of a text walkthrough to get a mandatory item?
What’s next? A tutorial about how to find Godfrey in Elden Ring?

Yes mah’ brodah!
Bioshock and Deus Ex at least make clear where to go.
Metroid Prime give you this info only if you walking (lost or just searching for power-ups) for some time, which really helped me at the time. The problem is... even knowing where to go, is complicated to discover HOW.

Damn mah’ brodas!
That’s why I leave competitive multiplayer games.
40k is insane!!
The chance of matching with at least 1 cheater seems high!


C’mon mah broda!
The knife broke chains, boxes, padlocks...
Let it rest in peace. 

Mah’ brodas!
My rank, considering only Fun Factor and the games I played.

Mah Broda!
Objects turned into Pokemons are the worst for me.
The Ice Cream one - Vanillite - is ridiculous!


But he NEEDS tho?
I don’t know how laws work when we talk about colors and even less how parodies laws work in gaming.
The guy was complaining about the layout!! And I believe most people of the planet NEVER saw an IKEA store. Brazil got 250 mi people and ZERO IKEAs.

Mah’ Brodas!
I have a question!
If there is no way to buy cards, how some people have some specific cards?
My bot alert tingle when I see a player with some random cards.
Or they are bots or the match-making is putting me against very “high-level” players.
Also, yeah... VERY stupid decisions are indeed an alert.
I think I’m

I had this with Doom 3 original release. The “Flashlight or Weapon” + sound design + scary jumps make me said “no-no-no” and avoid the game.
Dead Space hit me hard, but was manageable.

Yes, I guess.
It seems they use random usernames, so it feels more real.
Also, I had the same path you described.

MAH’ BRODAS! Don’t forget a LOT of mobile games start with very kind bonuses to increase player base.

I disliked almost everything.
I think RED x PURPLE contrast is somehow too aggressive.
Cool font, but more height could help IMO.