Yeah. It’s an easy-to-learn, hard-to-master game (like any Blizzard game). To me party games should be easy to learn to casual players and allow at least 3 players co-op/vs. So yes... go ahead, buy it and play with your friends =D
Yeah. It’s an easy-to-learn, hard-to-master game (like any Blizzard game). To me party games should be easy to learn to casual players and allow at least 3 players co-op/vs. So yes... go ahead, buy it and play with your friends =D
In Brazil this hapenned too last year. A Zelda: BotW Review from an youtuber was transcript into an IGN Brazil Review. One dude made the link an kaboom! The journalist was fired. IGN send a very-difficult-to-find apologies letter. <a></a>
Paladins and Fortnite = Unreal Engine supported by Nintendo = Shrek = Love and Life = easy port
Well...I guess the people who is up to MMO Action Rpg will like this. The “I only like Fallout because it’s a single player game” will cringe. I think it can be funny (make/improve a settlement and do some raids with a party).
It’s funny the localization discrepancies. In Brazil we played a (cartidge) bootleg version of SF2 and Mortal Kombat (like Sonic or Pokemon for SNES). It was...playable... Also, way better than a lot of Nes games.
Shit.. open you eyes. This happens today in a lot of asian countries like India and China . It was very common - in rural zones - “comercial marriages” where woman/man get married just because of the other possessions (lands, cattle, plantations, farms, shop markets...). #sorryforbadenglish
It called ‘Reality+’ by some devs. It’s above reality. Ex: insane quantity of gore, amazing structures, landscapes, ilumination, and creatures (Doom, Xenoblade 2, Horizon Zero Down) wich couldn’t exist in real-life.
I think this works in each Fallout game xD
Here it’s sounds: CA (same as CAr)-I (same as ‘ee’, in bEE) - RO (like ROad)
It’s the best manga I’ve ever read. The anime doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of what makes Berserk great.[2]
Their channel in Youtube... Porta dos Fundos, also had english subtitles and most of videos about technology are very funny! The chemistry in acting exists because most of them are real Youtubers and work togheter in some YT channels #sorryforbadenglish.
This was L and R buttons, and only 45º up. Now you hold L, stay in position, and have free aim.
You know nothing...
It’s funny .. because in Brazil most people doesn’t listen to jazz. The “fever” here is Brazilian Funk (horrible) and Sertanejo (our ‘country’ music). #sorry for bad english.
Shi* man... It’s System Shock 3...
Phil, The Alien (2004 / Score:5.3)
1 video Higlight Reel
I like the restriction you can’t switch champions over the match. Makes all the difference.
Don’t forget the dinamics shadows, used first time in Crusaders of Might & Magic
Hy Heather! I’m from Brazil and a Kotaku US reader since 2014 - when Kotaku BR closed his doors. I really apreciate the video and the transcription.
The way you end your text is almost poetic. It’s an amazing review, with a great new aproach. I’m was very happy when you officially became a part of the Kotaku US. Keep…