Gerardo Serrano Ramìrez

It also in North America.

That's why a good writer must never attempt to write comedy if he doesn't have the ability. You should know your weak points or, otherwise, you would only make an ass of yourself.

And then the girl was lobotomized in Sucker Punch.

Burton dared to rewrite it and thought he improved it. But it just dumbed it down.

Sea reptiles, turtles, snakes, lay their eggs on land since eggs breathe. If a reptile laid its eggs on underwater, its young would drown. They aren't fish, you know, nor amphibian.

Oooh! They hacked Groot to death! Or... is it a spoiler?

They did a Fantastic Four (the cheap 90's movie). They did it just to fulfill some contract. When I saw The Matrix, I thought that could mean a good Dragon Ball movie, but I am still waiting.

That was Brian Singer speaking at loud. He was ashame of doing a comic book film, he said, I think I am doing science fiction, as if it weren't less silly.

I agree. Totally. The colors look fantastic and it is a leather suit. Like the movie.

It ended like Alf and X men cartoon series, I always thought the same as you did. I don't know why they can end up something correctly and force you to see reruns over and over ad nausea.

They are making a movie about... cooties.

Wasn't it Jesus Christ who came at the last moment and sent him to hell?

I'm guessing Firefly will win again.

The last "Dread" movie should have been shot here.

Now, you can go to Russia and feel just like you where there.

I've always thought homosexuality has a evolutive purpose, since these members of a population direct their sexual instincts to a cull-de-sac. I believe they abstain from reproducing, helping thus to avoid overpopulation.

The sequels to the Matrix came the same year Lord of the Rings The Return of the King was released, so compare both was unavoidable. How was that the machines forgive the lives of humans just like that. That's a lame ending. After seeing the destruction of Mordor weeks later, the eucatastrophe, or seeing the blue sky

I always thought they used humans as batteries to have an excuse to allow humans to be still alive and not being utterly exterminated by machines. And every movie about virtually reality previously to The Matrix sucked real good. They were the first, and only, that made it good.

The Fat man is... dead.

In North Korea they are living it right now.