Gerardo Marquez Curiel

It’s unknown where the list came from, or who even created it, but it was first posted to 4chan.

All I feel like you’re trying to do with this article is to cause controversy and debate?

I’m not sure that I agree. Why wouldn’t they assume that a supreme being created Man in his/her own image, and then another supreme beings create other races in their own images? Similarly, why wouldn’t those who believe their is a Jesus for them believe that there is a “Jesus” for other races? It seems like it

Yes, it was lazy fact checking. But whoever gave them this video clearly knew that it was from YouTube. What was their motivation for trying to deceive a news outlet in the middle of a war zone?

Soooo, I’m Canadian and you Democrats just cant accept that this was a giant failure for you. You lost. Get over it. Trump is a creep but, seriously, let it go. You’re just digging a deeper hole...

I don’t care what your political affiliation - burying your head in the sand is immature and ignorant. Just because the news didn’t go the way you wanted, doesn’t mean you should ignore or discard it. You’re acting like a child - Grow up!

So after all this, after all the different lawyers, all the bullshit from CNN and your NPC friends... because it once AGAIN proves there was no collusion you’re just going to stick your head in the sand.

LMAO... you and your kind are the reason Trump will be elected again.

Thank you.

I appreciate pointing out the hypocrisy at play here, but this is a flavor of hot take I’m really fucking tired of. Can a tragedy just be a tragedy? Do we always have to justify our emotional responses to stuff like this by comparing it to other tragedies or excuse it by giving some explicit personal or familial

the actual way a bitcoiner would say:

My name is Matt Novak and I like paying an extra 3% on everything I buy because only Visa and Mastercard are real money.

Matt, perhaps you need to reevaluate the lesson.

Thanks for the completely unbias journalism Matt. By your logic nobody should invest in things that have crashed. Buy high, sell low should be the motto, right? We need to just do away with the stock and housing market too. They've crashed and there is nothing backing them.

Okay I’ll bite...why exactly is that image anti-Semitic? I get that it depicts a bunch of old white businessmen in a secret organization pulling strings and profiting off the backs of the rest of the world. And I get that some of those tropes have been associated with Jewish people in the past. But the same has been

People of the reddit generation are unfamiliar with things such as due process.
The “Oh I don’t like that thing I just read a single headline about - Let’s click buttons to destroy it forever” generation.

Not defending the scumbag that is Jones, but I’m a firm believer that censorship (which a private company has all

Buy the book and find out!!!

“But the fact we’re left only with the publisher’s own description of the book and a clearly gamed set of 5-star reviews—how is the average shopper supposed to know this is toxic garbage?”

The “Global Public Policy Institute (GPPI)“! *lol*

*face palm* This is why it’s hard to take critics of Trump seriously. Too much caricature and not enough facts. Tell me, did hitler openly call for the end of socialism? Was hitler for empowering the individual and right to free speech? Do you really think a news media like CNN, MSNBC and the New York Times would be

[Very much don’t like Fox News]