
"I'm 2/3rds through "Wuthering Heights" and I'm realizing what a waste of time it is."

Like Michael Corleone : “Just when I thought I was out… THEY PUUULL ME BACK IN!”

Well, it could also be argued that even a crappy book (or movie or whatever) can contain something, a character, a situation, even a single sentence, which can trigger a genuine emotion or reflexion and make someone grow as a person… To quote Marcel Proust (whose “A la recherche du temps perdu” I still haven't read —

Some recommand to read just the page 100, and decide if it's worth going back and read the whole thing, considering that by page 100 everything should be in place with regards to both the story and the style. Of course it won't have the same effect if it's a 150 pages book or a 1000 pages one… (And if I had done that

I tried to read F. Dostoyevsky's "The possessed" at least three times but couldn't get past around page 250, even though I know it's supposed to be a masterpiece. Maybe it's a bad translation or something, because I read the much longer "The brothers Karamazov" with uninterrupted eagerness and awe from start to finish


Granted, it may take about 10 minutes, but there are thousands of articles published every second… And if you go down in a theater* to the comment section and start skimming through those 500+ posts hoping to find interesting insights, you're in for a couple hours at least, and could have watched a whole movie by the

Damn! I'm no savage then, or very very rarely, maybe once a year… But all the definitions (20 pages!) seem to be from 2003-2006, isn't it already kinda out of trend ?

But does that mean that you never actually discover a great movie that hasn't been reviewed by several prominent critics already, with no preconceived idea as to its level of quality ? Because someone has to say it first, that a given movie is a masterpiece, and if it's considered a collective endeavour (someone above

"And you do have a hard job …"

I did something like that when I read Victor Hugo's "Les misérables" (which, as you may or may not know, is a humongus novel of about 1500 pages in 5 parts) : I had tried to get into it before but couldn't get past 30 pages or so, the begining telling the extremely boring life of a bishop in seemingly endless details

I just wanted to let you know that a sentient being had read your anecdote… (And by the way I felt the same some months ago with "Las Vegas Parano".)

What do kids these days call "a savage", and where ? Just curious (and wondering anxiously if I could fall in the "savage" category ; also wondering what french kids would call "a savage" if they saw one).

Welcome to the 21st century, where everyone doing anything anywhere at any time misses out on everything else, and where the time that it would take to make a mere list of all the potentially worthwhile things to read / watch / listen to, etc., that are produced every single day would exceed the time one can possibly

Could you elaborate, without spoiling too much ? (I've had it in my "films to watch" list for years.)

"You only need five or less minutes to identify greatness."