
I had these for 15 years, starting at 16 years old. Mine were starting to get so big, it was becoming annoying to have them multiple times a day with sizes between 5 and 7 mm. The enlargement of my tonsils over the last year was what increased the size of my stones.

I feel like there is probably a couple states out there where some of this violates consumer protection laws. Some are extremely strict on these kinds of tactics, falling under the nuances of the bait-and-switch laws.

This should apply to you as well. Does content you publish here count as a home business when you made it there? Does an author writing a novel at home have to follow the same restrictions? I see no difference between a creating a Youtube video and writing online article in the terms the HOA is pushing here.

Animal Hoarding Simulator...probably the best description of Pokemon ever

I expect some of these things to be resolved in future game updates, based on player feedback. Particularly, the checkpoint stuff. That is the usual deal.

Don’t. As a Chicagoan, it barely represents Chicago, except maybe Navy Pier, which is pretty good, and a couple other landmarks. Otherwise, it feels like something someone from the West Coast made after reading the Wikipedia entry of Chicago.

As someone from Chicago, I was extremely disappointed.

His poor lower back after a day at the con.

The only one that shouldn’t really be one here is 6. Most players I know really run 3 or 4 characters, 1 from each of 3 of role and 1 duplicate, excluding the role they suck at. You can gradually build your repertoire up as you practice, but focusing on a few is best way to get deeper into tactics and other aspects.

The first game sort of set in the Bay Area. It may have said Chicago, but I lived there and in California and that “Chicago” was like 15% Chicago/85% California. It won’t be much of a change.

I feel you don’t appreciate defense heroes at all.

Looking again, I’m pretty sure 3 of them are non-human(dwarf, gnome, something with a horn?) The DADA guy seriously looks like my very old neighbor from Pakistan. The remaining all are Nordic stereotypes(the red, the blonde, and the Odin).

I love the area design of this game. I explored extensively this weekend, which led to many deaths due to me staring at the sky. I do wish there was a little more activity in the city. It feels a little empty for a city that needs saving, almost liek there is nothing left to save except for a couple hundred thugs and

I think I’m having stroke or I’m still drunk this morning. This can’t be real.

Infinite Sales =/= Infinite Sold. In the same way of physical goods, there is no limit to how many times the same thing can be sold, but there is a limit to how many can, in total, be in circulation, the number of keys sold by the publisher.