
Lol why not just sing a song called “sun-down town” and be done with it? 

How does Che get to be bicostal with a good sized NYC apartment on a mid-level comedy career and a TV pilot.”

Same real estate company as the Friends gang and the kooky misogynists from Big Bang Theory. They deal in rents so frozen Disney’s once sued for IP infringement.

I’m sure there may be little drips and drabs that haven’t aged well, but I always felt like Ross’ gay ex-girlfriend (wife?) was portrayed like a quasi-villain. Like, not only was she the one that did him dirty by leaving him for - *gasp* - a woman, but pretty much every time she and her partner were on screen they

Jfc take your meds and stop commenting.

TIL it’s censorship to write about a person and quote their statements.

Sounds like a “you” problem then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Shennanigans. Mando will either be good, or not. It won’t be “less” because Andor was great. Boba Fett wasn’t “less” because Andor was great, it was just shitty.

Not gonna lie: That took me a second.

Username checks out.

I actually liked her bob cut hair in the original Ant Man.  Boy that feels like a generation ago, in both hair quality and general quality of life.

Brought to you by W1ND3X

Of course Vader isn’t too bright, he didn’t have the high ground and still went for it!

The absolute best they can do at this point is to move fifty years in the future and hand-wave away whether the sequel trilogy ever even happened. It’s unsalvageable.

What are you talking about? He’s murdering dudes explicitly to get the plans.

Andor.  Which, not coincidentally, is the best piece of SW content outside the OT by a wide margin.  

I would highly recommend Andor. It's arguably the best Star Wars thing ever made. 

I'm pretty sure the day her episode of ‘The Muppet Show’ first aired is the day I started puberty. 

I’m sure the dude trolls the Breitbart or Red State forums as well, so as to expose hypocrisy on an equal opportunity basis. Y’know, in the interests of fairness and integrity! :D 

Hey now, if you’re not going to loving erect a strawman that you then proceed to try to windmill kick into the sun, are you even Interneting? 

Now now, at least a(D)(D)ress them the way they wish to be a(D)(D)resse(D), Katman(D)u.