Watch a bunch of Nintendo fans completely lose it over the announcement of Metroid Prime 4. Their enthusiasm is infectious.
how else are the people going to learn about gta vi
While we were all out complaining about the cost of Hearthstone and getting salty about the slow stagnation of its…
Greatness awaits. For a long time.
Jason, please stop delaying games.
The problem with most esports compared to regular sports is the lack of a “ball” of some kind. A ball creates an easy focus for the spectator, saying: here is where the most important action will take place. But in a typical Overwatch match, there’s a Pharmercy battle going on in the sky, a Reinhardt shield battle…
This may not be the time or place, but with Charlie dying from leukemia, it is only fitting. We are currently fundraising for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to try and fund the research that will eradicate this horrible disease. We should not still be losing the fight to cancer and if anyone can spare even $1…
From what I can understand it’s set in the rebuilt Earth resulting from Johnny Gat’s deal with the devil at the end of Gat out of Hell, where the world would come back from destruction, but the Saints would never come together and start a gang.
As someone who just finished (and loved!) Sunset Overdrive, I’m totally up for another open world game that doesn’t take itself too seriously. It also kind of gives me a Crackdown vibe, which is another open world game I always enjoyed (and whose sequel I expect we get more info about come E3).
This already has more character than the whole first game lol
I think people were like, “Hey this is good.” Until Witcher 3 came out and it made Inquisition look like amateur poetry night at the improv.
Let me get this out of the way, The Witcher 3 is the best game ever made.
I freed the tree spirit even though I knew it was probably a really bad idea. No spoilers but I did randomly run into it while I was riding through the woods and it scared the shit out of me, but I thought it was so cool that it actually stuck around!
So, let me get this out of the way first. The Witcher 3 is my favorite game of all time supplanting Chrono Trigger. Part of what made me love the game was how raw it was and how it made me actually feel for the characters. And how Blood and Wine ended for me will never be topped. I feel very assured in saying that.
The upcoming Destiny 2 will be a total reset for your Destiny 1 characters, Bungie said today, confirming that you…
Not any that are better than The Witcher 3.
Going to continue to use MK8 as my example... The original game without the new tracks was already really good, and then the DLC was not just some cheap costume change, they added a lot to the existing game.