
Somehow this article suggests if there is queer subtext it’s anything but plain. It feels weird for the movie to need to be massaged so much for that interruption to come out. I actually felt like the lack of comment about Neo’s identity and the fact that people kept calling him Thomas/Tom/Anderson even after being

This is some weak, pretentious nonsense. I understand that nowadays acting is a lost concept, but millennials need to comprehend that a gay person can play straight, and vice versa. Because NPH is gay shouldn’t mean anything to a fictional character he’s playing. No one should have to read an actor’s biography in

It’s funny how literally everyone, LITERALLY EVERYONE, thinks the Matrix is about them. Them personally. They are Neo and everyone else needs to have their eyes opened to the “real world”. I’ve seen plenty of Evangelical Christians swear that the movie is really about being Born Again. And they can absolutely make

lol wut

When they’re finally about to fight, Smith says that “Anderson and Smith” are one of the “binaries that form the nature of things.” Given the gender subtext of Resurrections’ criticism of binaries, feel free to make a “the two genders” joke here.”

Boy, a lot of assumptions in this article ; as in assigning orientation roles to someone who’s a simple character in a movie .

it’s too bad that, as an actual work of storytelling and cinematic technique, it’s a sloppy mess. regardless of how well-meaning it may be. 

No, I definitely meant Trek, but Wars is just as valid. The recent Trek movies all decided to just retell TOS, Enterprise returned to 100 years before TOS, Discovery (at least initially) returned to 10 years before TOS and recycled several of its characters, Picard is about, well, Picard and several other TNG

Happy New Year, Kinja is still trash.  Sigh.

I can’t even choose between 1 + 2. They’re so different and perfect in their own ways. But who am I to say, I love 3 so... 

Cameron’s Aliens is by far the best of the series. I loved the gritty, military feel. I loved how Ripley was a total badass, far more so than the trained soldiers she was with. I’ve read about how Cameron selected the actors, picked a sergeant who had a military background, and how they trained like real soldiers for

If the goal was to setup The Matrix: The New Class, I’d agree with you. If the goal was purely, as it kind of feels, to simply tell what Lana wanted to revisit, I get why they didn’t. Also, if they wanted to stealth setup new films without making it obvious, your suggestion would definitely fail that and lead to a lot

Godzilla vs Kong was great fun,  while Matrix 4 was quite shoddy.

Agree about Dune. This list sucks.

Worst: Godzilla Vs Kong

Holy fuck this is a bad list. 

Absolute trash list. Where’s Dune? The Matrix as a best?!?!

Old and Cruella were bad, and I’ve seen bad reactions to Matrix. Haven’t seen it yet. Godzilla vs Kong was good, just only watch the fights. Tomorrow War was dumb but enjoyable, go in with low low expectations.

There’s some very weird choices in this list. Cruella on the best list, but Spider-man isn’t on the list at all? The Green Knight, and I can’t figure out if that’s because it’s not genre enough or if you actually think it was worse than Fear Street (which I’ll add, I loved, but certainly wasn’t in competition there).

The 1 worst article format of 2021: the slideshow