
I always liked the idea of machine intelligences turning the Earth and the solar system into a computing medium, the way you’d buy an external hard drive for an aging PC. They didn’t really need to destroy the Earth, but they wanted more room for their MP3 collection.

The only way to beat them is to send in wave after wave of our own men...

You mean when squid-like aliens having human-shaped bucket seats in their spaceships?

I’m about 50% certain that the twist is going to be that they’re not actually aliens - just mutated humans turned into monster things by an Experiment Gone Wrong. “Somehow appeared on Earth without being detected, start running rampant in Russia, etc” - that screams “They’re not aliens!” to me.

They kind of lost me with the previous trailer where they showed that their genius plan was to beam in their soldiers 1,000 feet in the air with no parachutes

Aliens with FTL technology seeking Earth for just the water is indeed a low brow plot device. However, Earth as a lot of very positive and unique attributes to it that still makes invasion for the sake of occupancy a legitimate motivation. It’s a rocky planet with a lot of water in a goldilocks zone, has a strong

Having watched humanity trip over its own dick and fall flat on its face during this past year, I have no doubt that if aliens invaded half the planet would deny it happening even as our capitols burned to the ground.

I haven’t seen this obviously, but wouldn’t traveling back in time and telling everyone to prep for the arrival of these aliens so they can contain them as soon as they arrive be more efficient? Maybe there are time travel rules that mean they can’t, I dunno. 

I like the way it’s depicted in the book Roadside Picnic, where it’s basically like the aliens were on a road trip, they stopped here to camp out, then they left, including leaving a bunch of litter behind. Earth wasn’t anything special, it was just a convenient place to stop for the night.

Like the “Human Horn” episode of Futurama.

Right or like shark fin soup or rhino horn stuff. What if they just want us for our feet ground up. That would be some degrading ass shit. We are really just so that aliens can get it up more. 

I heard him describe it as a ‘90s style action movie for the 2020s, and that sounds underwhelming by definition, especially since it probably won’t have ‘90s levels of R-rated profanity.

Now playing

well, maybe not in big sci fi movies, but:

Most alien invasion movies serve only to illustrate the extreme narcissism of human beings. There’s something deeply geocentric about them, like Earth is the most important thing in the universe. They’re always here for our minerals, or our water, or something like that, even though a civilization capable of FTL

You know what? I actually enjoyed Battle Los Angeles. Premise was dumb but I still found it entertaining. This film I have no interest. I hate time films that think the timeline is just one. Edge of tomorrow I loved because at least the premise was cool in the way time could be reset.

I promise this question is not a mockery trap, anyone excited about this movie?

I know it’s from the guy who did The Lego Movie but it is giving me serious Battle: Los Angeles vibes, in that it’ll be a middling sci-fi film that we’ll forget about a week after it comes out.

I tend to agree on the negativity, but you have to admit, this is pretty generic. I can name a dozen movies that do the same thing with various IPs. The Clifford I grew up was a quieter, not-as-poppy of a show, that had a moral every episode.

Giant Dogs don’t exist in nature..... I don’t think i need to tell you that so immediately it’s fake right. It’s also a children’s book and adaptation. not saying you can’t enjoy it or critique it but no child is going to call out the color of red as unbelievable when it’s on a elephant sized dog. also Where do you

Are you really calling out the color of a giant dog because the color doesn’t exist in nature...... literally the entire animal doesn’t exist in nature, I think we are ok.