
Honestly Rogue One is shit too, but with a fuckin awesome space battle at the end.

Live Free or Die Solo.

The problem is that if Disney did agree to continue the story of Qi’ra, it would end up with subplots based around a single line of dialogue from the original trilogy. Ep IV has a line about a bounty hunter on Ord Mantell, which will end up being a subplot. Something will relate to the Death Star.

All of the sequel trilogy was the same kind of fetch quests. We need to find the map to Luke, we need to find the “Master Codebreaker”, we need a “Sith Wayfinder”...

That’s why TLJ was so important. It was a big tonal shift. It threw out a lot of the tropes to allow room to breathe. Then people (internet weirdos and russian bots) freaked and Disney doubled down on the JJ and we got the worst Star Wars anything since AotC.

The article had to remind me that Emilia was even in a Star Wars movie, I couldn’t remember what role she had played.  Solo was just such a meh and forgettable movie.  It wasn’t bad per se, just more like, why does it even exist? 

Disney’s Star Wars (with the possible exception of Rogue One) are shit, wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling.

I have mixed feelings about the Luke thing. While I generally hate “instant surprise cameo!” that the a lot of the Star Wars media deals with, and I’d prefer Luke to NOT be in the Mandalorian at the end (because, yeah, it does rob the finale from the characters that we’ve been watching for two seasons), at the very

Star Wars could do with a “Russo-ing”. I remember reading that they were offered to direct a Marvel film and specifically picked Captain America because he wasn’t their favourite character so they were more creatively free to explore him, leading to Infinity War (which I personally think is the greatest comic book

Mando’s biggest offender was putting Luke freakin’ Skywalker and removing all tension from the finale like an air from a balloon.

2 Slow 2 Solo

She must have been amazing on Game of Thrones because I’ve been thoroughly unimpressed with everything else she’s done that I’ve seen. 


i will continue to say it until somebody puts a bullet in my head, but the fact that star wars is only being made by star wars fans anymore is the creative death knell for the series. the only thing at this point that can get me interested in a new star wars installment is if they set it 100+ years after episode 9

I’ve lost interest in Star Wars largely BECAUSE the stories tend to be so insular. Mando was a breath of fresh air, and then they shoehorned it into the Clone Wars continuity for S2. All the upcoming series either star or connect up with familiar characters from past entries. Give me something NEW. Give me a region of

solo was ok. emilia’s character was nothing special. i liked lando and the crimson dawn reveal, but it was just an unnecessary movie. just like all these other origin movies and villain movies. it cheapens the allure of han in the original trilogy. he’s a scoundrel with a heart of gold, but turns out he was never a

Why, though?  Do you know something about these notes that isn’t included here?  Is there some reason to think we want Disney to use her ideas?  I don’t recall anything about the character that left me thinking “we definitely need to know more about this lady.”

She’s a character that has so much potential to explore a side of Star Wars—the criminal underworld—that’s currently a hot topic as a setting outside of her singular cinematic experience.

I’m not gonna lie, I wasn’t exactly blown away or swept off my feet by her performance or the character. Emilia doesn’t suck at her job obviously, but I wouldn’t go so far as to say that her character would be this big new thing in the Star Wars universe if Disney would just give it a chance. I’m honestly more

I'm amazed you did an entire recap on this episode and barely mentioned the Morty plot which carried just as much weight as the Rick one! It's not like it was also a tribute to a classic literary series gone horribly, horribly wrong...