
Kotaku has become even worse than this. Im glad that I largely ignore these sites now. One of the few benefits to the pandemic. 

Quite frankly its articles like this are the reason I stopped reading io9 a lot. The flawed logical reasoning, limited understanding of the other side, and just the general over reliance or quite frankly silly cultural eruptions like this is getting old.

Why does it matter if its a hetero relationship? Love is love. The same issues that arise as part of a hetero relationship can and do arise in homosexual ones.

Jalopnik has gone downhill too, and it’s a shame because I love the communities here and there but the quality of writing has been so fucking piss poor it makes you wonder whether the comment sections are even worth staying.

I wonder if people look at the MCU and see how long actors like Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett Johansson, and Chris Evans play their roles without seeming to get tired of it and assume that actors like Melissa Benoist and Grant Agustin must want the same, which ignores that

geez people! i get we are eager to be proud of queer representation, but not every damn show needs it! normally when I hear a conservative saying “You can be gay all you like, just don’t shove it in my face” I roll my eyes so hard. PLEASE dont make me identify with those people. they dont deserve my sympathy. just

People who expected Mackie to give a cohorent and eloquent answer given his history of not are at fault. He had a general point that he rambled and bumbled it a bit. With some people you have to look at the general gist of what they are saying (which admittedly wasnt perfect here) instead of zeroing in on specific

Yuuup. It’s kind of ridiculous. They’ll take it all out of context, and then throw the celebrity of the day to the wolves on social media to get the most clicks.

This is my biggest problem with the blogosphere. You can have a deep, insightful interview with one outlet, and the buzziest bits get stripped for catchy blog headlines.

I work in software. I proofread my actual work, just not my comments on here, or online in general.

Dudes feel pressured to say ignorant dumb shit like “no homo” when doing innocuous things like making incidental physical contact with each other because articles like this are a dime a dozen.

I don’t remember a time when Gizmodo writers ever proofread their work.

they just type out their thoughts, don’t proofread, and then submit it.

I feel like the writer, and quite frankly, most of the writers on G/O do exactly what I do when I write a comment, in that they just type out their thoughts, don’t proofread, and then submit it. Only instead of it being a lame comment among a sea of lame comments, its a fucking published article. That’s how we end up

Audiences looking for more queer representation from Marvel’s cinematic and televisual output have more than a right to be annoyed at Mackie’s response

I don’t know why any celebrities answer questions anymore. Something they say will piss off somebody somewhere and the internet will amplify that objection to 11. 

Well the logo on the chest is the most prominent part of the costume and women can have boobs... so what are you gonna do?

Okay, that’s your opinion.   None of your anecdotes change the fact that there are different standards for TV and cinema.

Because the performance standards are different for a weekly TV series on the CW than they are for a blockbuster movie.