
Robots: There are several zombies who, when killed, have their heads explode in blue sparks and you can see metal under the flesh and/or metal chunks flying off of them. At least one of them has glowy eyes when he attacks.  

1) Why send teams after $200 m when Martin explicitly says Tanaka doesn’t care about the $200 m?

but billionaire tanaka’s plan was to get the zombie head right? The money didn’t matter. So why not just hire the team to do that?

Don’t zombies reproduce by... biting and infecting people, therefore creating more zombies?

Does he though? I keep hearing that, but his visuals are a muddle mess. Weird obvious fake layering (like how cheap theater productions have people holding blue wood to simulate waves). His action also is boring since he never understands escalation and exhaustion and pain. Due to his belief that heroes are badass and

Yeah, I’ve heard that too. It’s weird considering how objectivist, proto-fascist, and offensive his films are, but never once read a negative thing of him in personal interactions. Now, his impersonal egging on of an abusive fanbase which he clearly knew about isn’t cool.

How is this the case with David Lynch? Has David Lynch ever said any of these things? I know he didn’t like what happened with “Dune,” but to my knowledge he has never once implied any of the notions I described in my comment. Hell, I don’t believe that he has even suggested the existence of a Director’s Cut of one of

I’m not sure. He has a history of egging on his fans and riling them up, which is exploitative and has led to abuse, but I also don’t get how he got that fanbase. I never hear an argument for WHY they like his stuff. Just that we don’t get it.

Exactly. I’m pretty easy to please in a movie theater, but I walked out of Sucker Punch feeling like I’d been suckered and punched. ZS insisted at the time that people weren’t smart enough to get it, which promptly put me on the path of Fuck This Guy. Then people started getting all nuts over his DC films and all I

Is it just me, or does Zack Snyder (more than almost any other director I can think of) seem to have this ongoing narrative around him that if you don’t like his movies, it’s because you either weren’t super smart to get it (Spoiler: I did), or it’s because you didn’t see some other version of the movie that’s

His feminist magnum opus? Oh, yes please. I hope we get a Snyder Cut of Army of the Dead, too. Maybe that’s the good version of that movie.

The film became a cult classic in later years,

But that wasn’t even Disney. Disney is a corporation, not a person; there’s no intent or purpose. Replacing Finn with Kylo was 100% Abrams. Just like it was him deciding to use Finn as the distraction away from the plot twist surprise of Rey being a force user.

Was it Disney or was it Rian Johnson? I get it, on this site we’re supposed to be pro Rian Johnson and the Last Jedi, but that movie didn’t do the character any benefits. 

This made me wince. “crowned Highlander!?”  At least read the Wikipedia page on the topic before you write about it.

The only reason I could see myself getting excited for a remake (which I’m not) is that it’s a solid premise and you can hopefully learn from (and avoid) the insane number of mistakes they made the first time out.

“That person is crowned Highlander...”

She’s not Tibetan; she’s not even in Tibet; the most distinctive elements of her magic have no basis in Asian mysticism, real or pretend. It seems to me that they very much disassociated the character from the race of the comic book original.

In the film Wong said that many have held the office of the Sorcerer Supreme going all the way back to Agamotto.

Oded Fehr as Doctor Strange would have been amazing! Cumberbatch is great as well, but Oded seems like the better option. As for the Ancient One, well I think any move they made would have been attacked by someone, because that is where we are today. I am not saying we shouldnt push for change, but that we need to