
That’s just how I felt after watching the first trailer of Shang Chi. Not stating that’s how everyone else should feel about it. Just like someone said meh about this Snake Eyes trailer on these posts. Maybe the new Shang Chi trailer will make me more excited.

Both are martial art movies with an asian led cast involving characters in a superhero stylized story being released a month apart. Although they have no direct connection with each other or involved in the same universe, people will compare. The success or failure of Shang Chi may have an influence on the success or

I liked what I saw. The trailer made me looked forward to it more than Shang Chi. Where Shang Chi I was just feeling meh, Snake Eyes just did better for me. It’s suppose to come out in October about a month after Shang Chi. So I wonder if the performance of Shang Chi and how people recieve it will be a good thing or

With the hip-hop song in the background and the voiceover, it feels very much like the Shang-Chi trailer. I know the movies are probably vastly different, but it just gives that feeling, especially since they are two movies with mainly Asian casts and with martial arts-style action.

So, I’m a little confused. There’s no link to your review in this article where you kind of just went ahead and shat all (“This is a below-average cop movie with Saw sprinkled in.”) over this movie, and this article has this line:

phoebe waller-bridge told a story on the graham norton show about flashing her asshole to a co-star who was on stage while she was hidden from the audience.  it seems surprise nudity is a common prank in british theater.

Well in these times , any transgressions can never be forgiven ,ever . Even after you’re dead .

It’s worse than the James Gunn thing because Disney could plausibly have claimed not to have been aware of what he said and did in the past, whereas this was dealt with at the time, so the BBC obviously knew and have always known, so this just looks like a very hollow PR move on their part.

You have a point. Yes, most people know that not much good can come from dropping trou at work.

It’s hard for me to believe that you value the lives of Israelis given that you think they should allow Hamas to launch hundred of rockets at Israeli civilian population centers without any response out of fear that Hamas may be using their own civilians as shields for their military targets. Israel is responding

You continue to reduce the conflict solely down to the number of civilians that die on each side while completely ignoring or minimizing by far the most significant reasons why more Palestinian civilians die:

More Palestinian civilians than Israeli civilians will die because Hamas uses Palestinian civilians as a shield for their military positions and because their attempts to kill as many Israeli civilians as possible are often thwarted by Israeli’s missile defense.

Okay, so let me see if I understand.

There are so many things wrong with this article that it should be deemed absolute garbage and removed from the site entirely. This is a serious conflict and randomly calling out an Israeli celebrity because you don’t like a word in their altogether well-balanced and considerate message is only telling of the author’s

“You’re measuring degrees of genocide”

Her “I wish for peace between my country and our neighbors” statement is pretty basic and the disproportionate response to it is more about attacking her as a proxy for the Israeli government due to her visibility. Holding a person accountable in this way for the actions of others due to their sharing the same

Ahem: I’m not seeing the “recognized terrorist organization” part. Or the “into areas that are not even remotely disputed” part.

It’s not antisemitic to condemn violence perpetrated by the Israeli government.

I don’t know what people expect from her. You really thought she was going to say “Death to Israel” or something? The left has lost the plot on this and is careening toward antisemitism, especially with Gadot since she takes a lot of shit for being the most famous Israeli in the world at the moment.

Are you kidding with this article? Not once do you mention that it’s Hamas, a recognized terrorist organization launching rockets at Israeli civilians (into areas that are not even remotely disputed). Are you implying Israel is somehow wrong because they have the capacity to defend itself against these rockets, taking