
I watched it and I do not agree. I thought it was completely awful. Boring and joyless and I could not wait for it to end.

Frankly I have never really understood the resurgance of vinyl, I’m not really into music and I know that people say that it sounds more “true” because it’s not digital, but I still think a lot of it is either nostalgia or people being trendy.

Can’t think of a worse way to spend 4 hours than watching the Snyder cut in B&W. I guess a close 2nd would be watching the Snyder cut in color.

Cena has been the goodiest of goodies since about 2004 or so. He is (or was, he doesn't show up much these days) the modern Hulk Hogan.

Really weird that they’re talking to thin air in that scene though.

I couldn’t pinpoint it until like 2 weeks after the movie that was bugging me, but I realized that his character made absolutely no sense.

Abrams didn’t un-retcon things to make her connection to the Skywalker lightsaber any more significant, sure. That’s on Abrams for not following up on his own foreshadowing. I would blame both Johnson and Abrams for dropping that ball. It doesn’t mean the ball wasn’t dropped.

Honestly, Snoke’s backstory was less important than making Snoke interesting in the present timeline. Johnson passed on that too. Without making Snoke interesting at all, there’s no victory in Kylo’s killing of him.

“Anything about Rey’s parentage” and “Anything about Snoke” are the big ones. Yes, they were mystery boxes where Abrams didn’t have an explicit plan for what would happen. But Johnson’s resolution of “forget about those questions, they’re dumb and I’m throwing them away” isn’t better.

Just because you didn’t find the setup interesting doesn’t mean it wasn’t there. Clearly Johnson agreed with you, because he “subverted expectations” by throwing away all the setup he didn’t like (e.g., all of it). Maybe you think that’s a good thing, because the setup was bad and needed to be trashed. But that

Yep it’s possible to think that Last Jedi has issues, and also think that Knive’s Out is fricking amazing. These are in noway contradictory statements. Somedays good creators have off days. It happens.

Honestly, I find Daniel Craig’s ridiculous accent to be part of the charm of his character (and the movie as a whole). I’m really looking forward to these follow-ups. And I hope they find a way to work Ana de Armas into it, because she was great too.

Weird how the actual news - Johnson’s Netflix deal and two Knives Out sequels - was buried under a bunch of Star Wars commentary and not even mentioned in the headline.

As long as he’s never let anywhere near a Star Wars movie ever again*, I don’t care what he does.

I think it’s pretty objectively true that Johnson lit all of Abrams’ plans on fire, burning out all of the possible story threads and ideas. Whether that was a good thing or not is where personal opinion comes into play. Maybe “Let the past die. Kill it, if you have to” was the right way to handle Star Wars.

In 2017, Johnson took the numerous story possibilities left for him by J.J. Abrams’ The Force Awakens and turned it into The Last Jedi, a film that defied expectations in ways Star Wars movies used to.

He’s a great director. Brick and Looper are some of my favorite movies of his. Knives out was great. It just sucks that most people remember him because of one shitty Star Wars movie.

I don’t know that that reasoning makes much sense. Many of the people who didn’t end up liking TLJ saw it in theaters, so using box office returns as evidence that they were a tiny minority doesn’t make much sense. Personally, I don’t particularly like TLJ, though I want nothing to do with the reactionary assholes who

As someone who very much enjoyed Knives Out and did not enjoy his Star Wars movie, good for me as well.

There may be different varieties of ginger. usually we see one with a thicker, tougher, tan skin that I almost always peel, but I don’t get anal about removing every little bit. It looks like this: