
I always hear about how Marvel movies have a factory/committee feel to them, but there are genuine heartfelt moments in them, and I think this is a big part of their appeal. 

Say what you will about Snyder as a story teller and film maker, he seems like a good guy to work with.

He didn’t just cut it; I swear he had her dub it. And you know what? Another good choice. I don’t think I could’ve sat through Aquaman (a movie I really liked) listening to her using that accent. James Wan’s version of Vulko also looks waaaay better.

Justice League was shot before Aquaman and Whedon cut most of her dialogue from the film. Wan didn’t go with an accent, but when Snyder put her scenes back in, you got Mera with an accent.

I was laughing too hard to talk about it. Whatever you say about Whedon, realized the only thing worse than a bad American actress is a bad American actress trying to do an British accent.

Right but it’s still far different from Snyder’s plan which was to undo everything without the trauma or the loss to earth by the invasion, followed by Bruce death followed by for some god awful reason Jonathan Kent Batman...(I can’t...)

Something I haven’t seen anyone else comment on was Mera’s accent. Dafuq was up with that?

ok to be fair, given the presence of the equation that’s incentive for them NOT to burn the planet down. im willing to allow that leap.

they should have kept steppenwolf as the bad guy during that scene, his loss of the boxes and failure to conquer the planet would have been plenty reason for DS to banish his ass.


He’s said as much. There’s a Complex or Collider article from 2016 where he says he had the Flash-visits-Bruce scene in BvS solely because he thought it was cool and didn’t have a plan at the time.

lol, that entire scene all I could think was “Jesus, Ben, at least TRY acting like you care about any of this” lol.

Makes perfect, logical sense... especially when you factor in Bruce’s history with reacting to alien beings with trust and compassion in previous movies.

Even the Mortal Kombat creatives managed to capture more joy with their heroes, considering that the Injustice universe is explicitly meant to be an alternate universe where everything goes wrong (akin to the Justice Lords universe from the Justice League cartoon), and the plot of the game is the heroes from the main

the injustice story hooks pissed me off. hard to put it into words. just reinforces how sneering snyder is for the ‘hope’ and ‘inspiration’ aspect of DC super heroes, that he’d rather ape a shitty “from the minds of the mortal kombat creatives storyline than be true to the characters.

Before signing onto a fundraiser that was sponsored by “Geeks + Gamers”. They had their logo on it and their racist, anti-Semitic and sexist views are well known.

This is Q pulling a save the children bs to cover their toxicity.

There are thousands of other groups that raise money for suicide awareness that don’t

I think Including MM Is a huge mistake, and another sign that ZS doesn’t understand (or likely, care) about characters. MM could have remained hidden and been doing more behind the scenes, as he has, In the past, feared humanity’s reaction to him. But to completely remain Inactive except for the Martha scene - It Is

Flying green guy shows up at Bruce Wayne’s lakeside getaway and says he’ll help out if necessary. Bruce basically says “Ok, sure. Welcome to the Justice League.” without even asking where he’s from, what he can do (other than fly), how they can contact him, why he wants to throw in with the rest, consulting the others,

Calling them out was a good step, however, he and his pr team could have done their homework and seen the group’s reputation in the first place before signing onto the event.

So... you’d preferred he said nothing at all?

OK, Ben Affleck clearly doesn’t look like he does in the movie in that post credit scene with Martian Manhunter and we know he had to hire Leto for the reshoots.

a drowsy Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) is roused from bed by the arrival of a surprising guest, a green-skinned alien who calls himself the Martian Manhunter (Harry Lennix, who makes a baffling appearance halfway through Snyder’s movie before disappearing until this very moment).