
As others have said, it wasn’t a data transfer, it was a data unlock, and to say that White Vision is incapable of emotion is a stretch. Maybe right now, sure, but Ultron didn’t have the Mind Stone, and he was incredibly dramatic.

Agreed. Additionally, he literally says “I am Vision,” before shooting into the atmosphere. One would assume that to be an emotional reaction to remembering everything before he was “scooped,” by Thanos. He’s Vision, minus the Hex, unless HexVision gave him those memories as well. In that scenario, he’s every version

No. That’s wrong.

I thought the show made it clear that Hex Vision didn’t transfer his memories, he just unlocked White Vision’s memories which were being supressed. That would include everything up until the moment he was killed by Thanos.

Yeah, people tend to fail to realize that decision making is rooted in emotion. They aren’t separate departments. Individuals whose emotional centers have been physically damaged like Phineas Gage, the 19th Century railroad worker who got a rod through his skull, aren’t super-rational human computers, they’re barely

It’s an interesting conceit since memory and emotion are the same data in the brain. You don’t have objective and then subjective data stored in there. Still, Vision is a “computer” and a fictional character.

Sure. Dude seems to only reply if someone’s comment fits his confirmation bias or if he can’t outright dispel what someone else has said.

an original sci-fi blockbuster with actual political themes

If you believe the COVID numbers the United States reports, I may have the same bridge to sell you.

What’s the point of your claim if there is zero way to prove it false?

You’re forgetting (or ignorant) that they’re a society who knows first hand the havoc a viral outbreak can cause. Wearing a mask is ingrained in their culture at this point. Some people wear them all the time in public, long before COVID.  SARS, H1N1... this is not their first rodeo.

I just talked to a Chinese friend about how China dealt with Covid and she said the way it has been suppressed is just by being more strict and proactive. Everyone wears masks - even children as young as two - while in most Western countries even adults people are still bad at this.

After thinking about what you quote me on a little more, I can’t help but feel that you missed my point entirely. I’ll add to my second reply to you here:

I root for things I like to be successful so companies make more things I like.

Not claiming my comment is anything more than anecdotal. I literally ended my comment with “from my perspective.”

I don’t claim to be an expert on stats and things but I have been living in Beijing for the last five years (and travelling around the country for my job a lot until this whole thing happened) and nobody I know - friend, colleague, acquaintance - has had it or knows anyone else who has had it.

They are plausible. China was serious about locking everything down. The evidence is pretty clear that that does the trick. We’ve really struggled to do that here in the US, as our republican overlords have hesitated at the possibility of not making money constantly from consumerism.

Getting unnecessarily philosophical about it - You just have to admit that measurements are only good for one dimension and it depends on whether measuring that dimension of something will tell you what you want to know about it. In this case, what you want to know isn’t clearly stated by me, you, or the author. For a

Always annoyed with Gone With the Wind box office advocates. It got released several times when it not only had no other movies to compete against in the same theater, but also didn’t have much of any other form of visual entertainment to compete against either.

Endgame shall return