
Yeah it feels like they took the easy way out by making him a villain instead of a rational person making rational decisions.

No one puts down a book 20% in and says the ending sucked and the characters were not handled well. Given how the MCU films work, her story is just starting.

Exactly. Everyone just have some patience with Monica. We can't rake Marvel over the coals for properly taking the time with a character journey in the same breaths we condemn DC/Warner for rushing through Superman/Batman/Justice League's. I safely assume they got long term plans for Monica.

Given WandaVision’s time constraints, it wouldn’t have made much sense for the show to feature an all-out series of hero moments for Monica in the finale, which was all about Wanda finally becoming the MCU’s Scarlet Witch,

Here’s another way you can tell they were falling a bit short of their characterization of Monica. They had to stack the deck a bit.

Monica was the hostage negotiator who thought she could get through. Heyward was the SWAT team captain who thought enough was enough. Those are, in a better written show, opposite but

You know what?

I think the biggest offense they committed to Monica was making her say, “They’ll never know what you sacrificed for them.

Her connecting to Wanda through grief? Totally get it. There was a theory going around early on that the reason Monica - quite insanely - got close enough to the barrier to be sucked in to begin

She’s cast perfectly and magnetic to watch; that said, I think she simply fell victim to being part of the generic ‘government agent’ characters that were the worst part of the show. Anytime they showed the ‘agent camps’, my eyes would glaze over until we got back to Westview. It became incredibly distracting how ‘netw

Exactly, very well said!

Enthusiastic YES!  His Vision is not realized until hour 5 so . . .

I was one of the few people who thought the trailer looked like harmless fun. It’s Tom & Jerry. I just wanted 90 minutes of classic cat and mouse hijinks.

Of course, invest millions more into it for a re-cut, then make sure it fails!  It’s brilliant!

Worse, they wanted to.

holy shit all those hack snyder 40yr old fans furiously jerked off for hours!

haaaa I did the same thing but with more editing

Now playing

Huh, this makes the thing I made in a moment of madness a while back weirdly prescient. (There had been discussion on here about how the Tom and Jerry trailer was more entertaining than the Justice League one that dropped around the same time. Something in my brain decided this was the obvious next step.)

bruh people on twitter already complaining abt how WB is “purposely trying to sabotage Snyder”

They were testing browser compatibility. Zach Snyder is best viewed in Edge.

Alan Tudyk has become the John Ratzenberger of Disney Animation. He’s in every movie since Frozen (except for Tangled), sometimes only tiny roles, and in Moana he was a chicken, so he’s even up for just making silly animal noises.

Imagine two entities. One says they support women, yet doesn’t do anything beyond saying that. The other makes a joke about women’s equality, but uses it to set up a scholarship program to support women in their industry.