
It’s kinda funny reading all the hate Sony gets simply because their Spider-Man and associated stuff doesn’t jive completely with Disney’s MCU.

Say what you will about Venom, but the movie made a little north of $850 million for them.

I agree.

His chemistry with Liv Tyler was great too. Wish they brought her back.

William Hurt as General Ross. Tim Roth as Blonsky. And Tim Blake Nelson stole the movie as the future Leader. Even through Ed Norton is a pretentious asshole, I did like him as Bruce Banner. There’s no fail there either for me.

That was the deal, or something very similar. But that deal is superseded by the new deal, where Marvel/Disney gets to put Spider-Man in their own films, and they co-produce Spider-Man films with Sony getting most of the profit. The new deal needs renewing every few years. If it lapses, we go back to the old deal.

I think the only realistic out is that Sony Pictures makes one too many bad decisions in a fiscal year and are forced to sell the rights back. Either that or Disney buys them outright.

I mean, I kind of agree. I know I’m in the minority but I still think he’s miscast. The golly gee whiz thing is annoying and his dramatic range is not great.

Maybe because people like him

Wow. You actually know nothing of the importance heroic storytelling to a culture. If only someone wrote a book about it that’s so important they teach it in every college everywhere.

When a character becomes so foundational that they name the entire genre after him, he tends to stick around.

For the same reason after 3000+ years and thousands of stories, Hercules is still a thing.

Which I think is a good way to do this since the whole DCEU is flopping.

will be produced by J.J. Abrams.

To be fair, the destruction of Krypton will make for a hell of a lens flare

Seeing Abrams involved in a project gets me about as excited as the call that it’s time for my colonoscopy, which is to say, the exact opposite.

But, really, all you need to say is Superman - Coates - Abrams and it’s hard to not get excited.

maybe he’s born with it....maybe it’s a bad movie plot

I found the Vader games to be... okay overall. At least the story mode. But the saber dojo? I spent way more time playing (and re-playing) that mode than I did the rest of the game, especially the dojo in parts 2 and 3 when you get to start throwing in some Force tricks and blasters. Though I love the lightsaber