

“[Oscar] had been handed talent, looks, and a gold medal.” And on behalf of those who rooted for him, “the least [Oscar] could do was suffer a little. To feel life the way they lived it for once.”

Thanks for coming to Deadspin, Mr. Turgeon

I’d call them the 90s Atlanta Braves of hockey, but at least those guys won one title. More like the 90s-00s Astros: great talent, constantly stymied, got through once, were swept so fast that barely anyone remembers their championship appearance.

The Tennessee Titans picked Western Michigan...

Caps would’ve won if not for all the Penguin’s ILLEGAL GOALS. So many bad goals allowed by terrible (or sick) reffs! VERY UNFAIR !

It’s bad enough DC gets sent assholes like McConnell and Cruz and Paul Ryan and Trump who make my city’s name synonymous with sleaze and corruption and something to be booed and mocked and invoked in halls as the “enemy” of “Good Americans” everywhere.

Did you know scallops can swim??

That was one of the worst end line defensive efforts I have ever witnessed. Give up the fucking corner kick and poke it out.

You’re absolutely right, this a site about life hacks.

The internet’s a wide space. You’re welcome to peruse any of the other hundreds (thousands?) of life-hacking sites out there.


I’m going to support the other side with a couple of different angles:

Ummm, aren’t quick tips on how to assess your health one of the prototypical life hacks? Also, why would I not want to see anything about male problems? Like, I saw an article talking about how penises can change color over time, which is something that I’d notice and worry about in my partner. Super helpful! Just

If you don’t own a vagina, why would you click the link, read the article, and then complain about it ?

Came here looking for the first bitch who was gonna complain about ewwy woman things. Thanks for delivering OP.

Grow the fuck up.

Lifehacker has always been “tips, tricks and downloads for getting things done.” You may not directly see how knowing a few tips about your body (or the bodies of others) is applicable, but when you’re worrying about if you’re healthy or not it may be tricky to move to the “real” life hacks.

Vitals is part of Lifehacker

It’s part of vitals - which is all healthcare . . .