
I’m fine with Bernie staying in the race to accumulate votes and show Democrats that there is broad, national support for a progressive agenda. I am not alright with him staying in the race in a desperate bid to win.

It doesn’t sound implausible to me. If Griffin had concerns, it makes sense to hear him out, even if he’s going about it in a bizarre way. What do you think Shanahan should have done? Told him to STFU? That would not have gone over well, either.

That’s honestly my biggest fear about Thanos.

Exactly. I always hated Apocalypse because he was so 90's XTREEEEM. No fun at all. The better bad guys are the ones with less power. The Joker, for example.

You mean, every ump who ejects someone for arguing balls and strikes during his teammates’ at bat, from the dugout, deserves an F U.

Not weird at all. That is epic hair. I had that hair, for about five minutes, in my 20's.

Every ump who ejects someone for arguing balls and strikes deserves a fuck you.

You have to vote for the lesser of two evils, in this case Hillary. Trust me, I am no big fan of hers but I honestly don’t think she will destroy the country or cause someone else to destroy our country the way that Trump will.

When Donald looks at his hair in the mirror, all he sees is Bryce Harper’s voluminous mane.

Is it weird that my first reaction here was “damn, that’s a fine mop of hair”? It’s not... right?

Am I the only person confused by Deadspin’s usage of the word “dong” this season? It hasn’t always been this way, has it?

I think it needs to be said, though, that the vast majority of trauma victims do not themselves become pedophiles? Like, I take your point, but I work in crisis counseling, and you would be appalled at how many people have suffered sexual abuse as children. It can - and absolutely does - have ramifications for people,

there’s a difference between it happening and him telling Paterno. the op is obviously right.


As fun as it is to pick on Paterno, can anyone actually believe a kid would decide to tell someone about his abuse (which we all know is rare), and pick Paterno, not his parents or police? Then how does he get a one-on-one moment with Paterno to tell? Then he just sits on it for 40 years until an insurance company

It’s crazy to me about the double standard people hold for athletes. A kid tweets out something stupid and it’s “Character concerns” and “maturity issues.” A full grown man tweets out some piss baby rant and it’s “Kids these days need to toughen up!”

The subtle burn is the harshest burn. So good.

Al Horford added that his team “wouldn’t do anything like that,”

It is a little too late for the Hawks to start getting defensive about Game 2.

Players who don’t play a lot still contribute. Practice is important regardless of what AI said. He also was a special teams regular iirc