
Hey Mike Vick might have slaughtered innocent puppies with his bare hands but at least he didn't love another human being.

After that 4th line... I tried to yell at my brain "STOP!"

Suggestion for article title 'If The Star Wars Rumours Are True, I Gotta Hand It To Them'.

Baby steps. Got to walk before you can run. This is more then goggles since it can track your every movement through the room. If it was "just" goggles it would "just" be the oculus rift in a room...

Ill take 2. Thank you.

I'm not really interested in people's complaints when you let the street you live on grow to shit so much that its needs to be razed and started anew.

As a Brooklynite now, who lives in Red Hook, and born and bred New Yorker, pushed out of the Upper West Side neighborhood that I grew up in when I graduated college... I will say that I completely agree with you. Would take these cheesy condos and rapid gentrification any day over 80's/90's New York. Sure they look

(Yeah, I know, this is a NY article, but NY is the SF of the East Coast so, still relevant).

Anti-gentrification party in the Mission = 200 white people telling each other they shouldn't be there.

I don't get what the deal is either

Wow. I may ruffle some feathers, but what an improvement! Looks great.

And this is the great thing about scientists. They can admit when they are incorrect. They can handle being challenged, and yet they will still continue to seek the truth, whatever it may be.

How to enjoy perfectly fresh cake!

The majority of this article is not about it being the first video on vine.
It discusses the interesting observational behaviour and goes into a nice amount of detail for a change.
There are far worse articles on blogs deserving your condescension I feel.

I hear what you're saying, but come on – if ever there was a shot worthy of the Vine format...

I've read the comments and I can't help but think I'm missing the point that everyone is trying to make here.

Aside from the chair scene everything else that was being 'copied', was inside the matrix. That was done deliberately.If you look at why the movie used kung-fu, and particularly copied the moves.. you have to

I don't think anyone means to sa that these scenes were "stolen" or "ripprd off", just that they were referenced. There is nothing inherently wrong with referencing older or perhaps more classic movies, and perhaps, it can be a useful way to get audiences to relate to a scene, or give a sense of "epic-ness"

Don't you think this is kind of pushing it?

TO be fair, the whole idea behind the kung fu scene in Matrix was that it was SUPPOSED to be like every kung fu fight in every movie EVER.

And Man is a political animal. So unless you want science to be done entirely robots, we have to at least try.