
Also, why exactly does Holdo object to Poe’s proposal? It’s a long shot, sure, but it’s not like if it fails it will have any consequences (other than Finn and Rose possibly dying, but it’s literally a war, and she’s losing people left and right- risks need to be taken to give them a chance). The resistance is in dire

Agreed. There was a lot of stuff like that. The whole trip to the casino and then back to the ship ended up being utterly meaningless. The only purpose of all of that was so that Finn could be onboard to fight Phasma. But why didn’t Del Toro’s character just hand them over to the First Order when they got back on

“That twist with Kylo & Snoke was brilliant.”

“Yoda playing dumb in ESB was a test for Luke about patience. Luke’s tickling of Rey served no purpose than to make the audience laugh. It was pointless.”

“It’s completely felt like it’s own separate thing.”

He doesn’t really tell her- he has that line where he asks her if she’s known all along, and I think it’s pretty clear that she did.

I honestly felt like this movie was Rian Johnson telling JJ Abrams he hated everything that was set up in TFA. Get rid Kylo’s mask right away, kill Snoke, have Luke throw away the lightsaber, Rey’s parents, etc. etc. etc. So much of what JJ set up was immediately discarded and recast by Johnson.

How is it passive aggressive? He honestly and accurately states what his positions are. He’s not skirting the issue, he’s just very politely stating what his issues with the fandom are. That’s neither passive nor aggressive. Just because someone isn’t screaming vulgarities at you doesn’t mean it’s passive aggressive

Holy shit, how have so many people starred such an abhorrent comment?

I vaguely recall seeing that same video. I can’t remember it clearly either though, so I’m gonna track it down and give it another go. Thanks for the reminder!

Eh, I don’t really think the press would need any motivation to be aggressively investigating who Superman is, where he came from, what he’s doing when he’s not saving the world, where he was before he first appeared, etc. etc. etc. And simply saying “I have a dad” doesn’t mean “I have an earth dad”. It’s not like

That makes no sense to me though. What, Supes isn’t allowed to have a father? Is he worried that if people found out his father said this relatively benign expression which has been said in one form or another by millions of people they’d put two and two together and realize he is Clark Kent? It’s nonsensical. If he’s

Exactly. The whole message from the Kents growing up was “don’t be a hero.” It was literally a message Pa Kent was willing to (and did) die for. The fact that the purpose of his death was to show Clark that he shouldn’t save people is infuriating, especially given how incredibly meaningful his death by heart attack

Exactly. “Superman was a beacon of hope” blah blah blah. Yeah, in the REAL world Superman has always been portrayed as a beacon of hope. In the DCEU he never was. It was such a sudden change in tone that felt totally unearned.

Good catch on the parallels there, but it still doesn’t explain why the scene cuts off right before Supes lists what his favorite thing about Earth is. I was expecting him to say something that tied into the broader theme of the movie, or to have the movie cut back to him answering that at the end of the film in a way

The mustache is nowhere near my biggest problem with this scene. The most messed up thing is that it doesn’t tie into the rest of the movie AT ALL. What’s the best thing about planet earth?! Lois, I guess?? If so, what a terrible scene! Superman’s favorite thing is his girlfriend. Whoopdedoo. Is it something else?

Agreed. I went into the movie just waiting to crack up about how bad the mustache thing would look, but I could never tell which scenes were reshoots involving the ‘stache. I could tell when some of the shots were reshoots by how TERRIBLE some of the other CGI looked, but I honestly never thought to myself “oh man,

Wait, based off this article, shouldn’t you be saying how great a shot that was? Why are you bringing up the goalie?

Absolutely- the goalie definitely has to make a play on it. But it should be relatively routine. It’s not like anybody looks back and says “Mookie Wilson hit a tremendous ball to right field to win Game 6 of the 1986 World Series! What a hitter he was!!!”