
I don’t get why the comparisons always focus on a USD v. Bitcoin argument. As if bitcoins are only valuable or worthwhile if they can somehow compete against the dollar and gain similarly widespread acceptance. Bitcoins seem to be a clearly niche currency with niche uses. That doesn’t mean that it’s completely

“It has value when I can go to a store and fucking spend it! Why is this so hard to understand? Bitcoin is worthless because it’s useless.”

“The value of a currency is based on a country’s GDP and the strength of that country’s economy, not by how many people want money.”

Thanks for reminding me of how excited I was in 2013 for a new Superman movie. How far DC has fallen in 4 years.

Which movies are you referencing? I just went back and looked at the marvel movies that came out before GotG, and none of them strike me as having a Nolan style aesthetic to them, but maybe I’m misunderstanding what you’re saying...

Now playing

Personally, I think it’s terrible that the music is designed to blend into the background. A great soundtrack can very effectively improve the experience of watching a movie, but that requires the soundtrack to at least present itself. This scene comes to mind as a way that music was used to clearly enhance the

Great video, thanks for sharing. I found the description of Marvel’s music as “fine/bland/inoffensive” to be spot on. It’s always just...there. It hardly ever adds to a scene or creates a memorable experience. Movies like Nolan’s Batman trilogy or The Last of the Mohicans literally wouldn’t be the same without their

Ugh, completely disagree about the music. I despise the Avengers theme. I literally rolled my eyes when that first “dun dun dunDUN” came on. I find it gratingly terrible.

This is the comments section. It’s where people go to posts reactions to the articles. This was an article about the Avengers trailer. His comment was his reaction to it. What don’t you get about that? Are people only allowed to post reactions that fawn over the trailer?

I really want to know the background of this. It doesn’t seem like two guys who are legit furious at one another- it seems more like the “let’s go ahead and box” bravado guys do every once in a while, and the guy who got knocked out didn’t realize how serious the other guy was.

This review doesn’t really surprise me. Having played Final Fantasy XV, it seems as if the developers are just rushing out content. The game itself showed flashes of greatness, but for the most part just felt disjointed and half formed. The VR simulation sounds very similar. Which is a shame. If they had focused on

Claiming that a team not playing or buying out a draft pick that has shown he’s simply not that good will somehow destroy that team’s reputation with the rest of the league is dramatically overplaying your hand. This may not be the wisest move (I can see both sides of the argument), but it’s certainly not the thing

I haven’t watched this movie in a while, but didn’t they TRY to both get on top and realized they couldn’t? And before you say “well they could have switched back and forth”- that’s silly. The amount of energy it would have taken to get both of them swapping back and forth in freezing temperatures would have almost

Actually hitting someone is battery. Attempting to/putting someone in fear that they will be hit is assault. Sounds like you’re assaulting people, and it also doesn’t sound like you’re very remorseful about it. You should work on that.

Not only did he gave up the INT, but he also prevented the Bills’ player from scoring, which was their only (admittedly long) shot at trying to stay in the game.

What this really highlights to me is that Notre Dame remains overrated every single year.

I’d imagine that you would get the body from someone who died due to traumatic head injuries, brain diseases, etc., right? Just like when you harvest someone’s lungs you do so because they died due to something unrelated to their lungs. Here, the body donor would be someone who died due to something unrelated to their

I NEVER watch, this time included, but am grotesquely curious about what happened. Can I get a description so I know exactly how lucky I was not to have seen it?

Oh no! You’ve exposed that my anecdote about an interview I saw once something like 15 years ago (god forbid someone track down the interview and discover it was only 13 years ago- the shame!) may have been slightly inaccurate! I hope nobody looks up Outkast’s album sales to find out that they really sold 12 million