This is one of the dumber responses imaginable. But at least you’re not even trying to be casually racist here, so good for you the courage of your disgusting convictions I guess.
This is one of the dumber responses imaginable. But at least you’re not even trying to be casually racist here, so good for you the courage of your disgusting convictions I guess.
The guy was a senior who only started 2 games this year. What makes you think he was only enrolled in college to play football on a scholarship? Plenty of very smart people do very stupid things- your assumption that he can’t read past a 7th grade level doesn’t sound “casually” racist at all.
Great listing, so thanks for that. Perhaps my issue stems from my limited experience- I don’t play a ton of video games, so I tend to wait and only dive into ones that seem incredibly compelling. So I’ve played Witcher 3 and Horizon, and I don’t really feel like the sidequests have been any sort of mindless grinding.…
Based on her profile picture, I’m going to assume Stephanie hasn’t tried the whole “super low carb” thing recently :)
Having not played Zelda, I’m a little confused by the article and these comments. It seems like a big complaint about “map games” is the sheer number of meaningless side quests that don’t add anything meaningful to the game. But the praise being directed at Zelda and Mario is that the side quests are utterly…
I’m not really sure how this very important story that just broke in earnest yesterday is about Jezebel, but this long write up about it certainly makes it seem like Jezebel views it that way.
I came here to post exactly this idea. I love the number of negative responses you’re getting from people pointing out that this idea would have some less than ideal compromises, as if the way TNF is currently set up is perfect. Having games on TNF is going to require compromising- doing it off the bye week at least…
No, I get that. And those are absurd. But the follow up to “I’m not putting five feet of space between the spoiler alert and my comment” doesn’t need to be “so therefore I’m just going to reveal something with no warning whatsoever.” It’s pretty easy to say “*SPOILER* This is just like Citizen Kane where rosebud…
You’re impressed by that? Why? Weaseling out of things is important! It’s what separates us from the animals!
Good lord. That’s less of a trailer and more a fan made synopsis of the movie. I’d say that’s definitely the worst trailer I’ve ever seen.
“A really good movie-making experiment would have been if he had made WLB with the Cast Away cast.”
“Why would anyone ever assume that if a movie has been out for over 2 decades, it hasn’t been seen?”
I love that the lesson from this is that the autonomous cars aren’t ready, as opposed to the fact that humans are idiots that do things like back into parked cars. Two autonomous vehicles wouldn’t have hit each other. The sooner we can develop this technology and get it online the safer we’ll all be- human beings are…
And an autonomous vehicle wouldn’t have backed into a parked car.
Sheesh, everytime I read an article about how professional gamers behave and treat one another it reminds me of hanging out with a bunch of morons freshman year of college. It’s just a bunch of “dudes” trying to be “awesome”, pick up “chicks”, and talk smack to one another.
Oh man, what a missed opportunity: “I sound like a broken record at this point, but you know what makes a broken record sound GREAT?! This Sony soundbar, knocked down to only $148 online!!!”
Oh man, what a missed opportunity: “I sound like a broken record at this point, but you know what makes a broken…
Didn’t JJ Abrams already fix our national anthem?
Probably not. I guess that means we should ignore him saying it now...?
As a Wizards fan, I certainly remember that. It’s just ludicrous to claim that they whupped their asses so bad that the C’s are in Wall and Beal’s heads. The Wizards won one of those games by nearly 30 points, and another one by nearly 20. It was a hard fought series, and it’s not like the Celtics kicked their asses…