
Ding Ding Ding!!! That is exactly correct. I love me some Keanu Reeves Constantine, but good god is it a bad movie. I just happen to love it. The people that like BvS don’t normally say “eh, I enjoyed it.” They tend to say “the Martha scene was BRILLIANT! The whole fight between the two of them was set up perfectly-

Agreed. The way the fanboys fawn over the blatantly commercial aspects of star wars has me shaking my head. “These guys are adorable! Buy the stuffed animals! And don’t forget to buy the BB-8 robots! They’re even more adorable! Get one for yourself AND one for your kids!”

“BvS made decent cash”

Ugh, ask Kevin Spacey whether the “all publicity is good publicity” line is true. And even if it were, that applies in situations where unwanted publicity has been drawn to something- nobody would say “there’s no such thing as bad publicity, so VOLUNTARILY do something that doesn’t make you look good to get bad

This take makes zero sense to me. What advertising company is going to say “you know what would be great? If you publicly fired an employee because his daughter violated his NDA. People love that shit!” I don’t think Apple did anything wrong by doing this (the employee did something very stupid that he should have

“anyone who is a parent realizes the amount of shit parents do for their kids, they deserve well more than a day of recognition.”


Let’s not go overboard. My folks have had a Model S for years, and after driving it for tens of thousands of miles they love it so much that they’re buying another one by the end of the year, and my sister just bought a Model X. I’m sorry that this guy had a bad experience, but my family has had the exact opposite

“That’s not a threat to actors. They’re still required.”

Completely agree actually. I read an article a few months back talking about how this season every at bat basically has two outcomes- a strikeout or a home run. The shift in the types of hits we see has been incredibly dramatic- partially due to the balls, but also because all the advanced metrics have resulted in

“there is no reason a Sunday World Series game should be ending on a Monday.”

He had taken that super serum to make him a worthy of challenger of WW. He wasn’t close to “basically defenseless”, he had just been beaten. There’s nothing morally objectionable about killing a man who was fully and properly engaged in a fight to the death with you during wartime. I don’t have anything wrong with

“killed the wrong guy!”

Agreed. In the trailers it just makes me roll my eyes. Momoa is obviously amazing, so I’m hoping that in the actual movie his charisma is strong enough to win me over, but I can’t help but get nervous that his character is going to be terribly written when he says things like “Mah man!” in the trailer.

I literally have no idea how you can quote those lines and think the intent was to make it seem like she didn’t care about the innocent lives so much as killing Ares. If a doctor said “I can’t stand by while innocent lives are lost, so if no one else will cure cancer, I will” would you think “eh, that guy doesn’t care

“then at the the end of the film she’s back to, “no, really, they’re awful and don’t deserve me.””

I think they addressed that in Ares monologuing during the climax- he was never the actual cause of humanity’s wars. He just nudged them along; gave them little tips and help, but they always chose to use the things he gave them. So mankind being war prone had nothing to do with Ares. As for the particulars of the

Her entire motivation was to go out and save humanity from the influence of Ares in order to stop their suffering. Watch her face when Steve tells the Amazons about the millions of people who are dying (including women and children) if you think that her motivation had nothing to do with her compassion and caring for

“they wrote themselves into a corner for coming up with a way to make Superman and Batman stop fighting”

Agreed. Like, SOMEWHERE in the Snyder’s vision there exists an absolutely incredible Superman. The problem is that it was so ambitious that if you fall JUST short of an incredible movie then you’re going to end up making garbage. And if you come nowhere close to making an incredible movie then you’re going to end up