
And I roll my eyes and chuckle before responding. Thanks for the commenting tips :)

This entire post is an absurd sarcastic rant- that’s literally the whole point of the article. I wasn’t calling your post the only absurd rant, which is why I separated it out into another paragraph. If you don’t think rants can be sarcastic then allow me to introduce you to the internet. And I didn’t take your words

“This column was a good start, I just hope he doesn’t stop.”

Was the topless Mario picture actually after the spoiler for everyone else? I couldn’t care less, but just wanted to point it out in case the author wanted to change the formatting to line up with what he wrote.


I’m not sure what about my response indicated I didn’t get that your comment was sarcasm...

Umm, no, you’re not supposed to. You’re just permitted to if you decide you’d like to.

“its silly to complain about minor lies othering you when you’re already working hard to other yourself.”

“I go in with a comment attacking a rape apologist, leave being labelled an anti-semite.”

Everyone should look up past intelligence squared debates. They are consistently excellent, and have covered a vast array of topics over the years. If you are someone who appreciates high quality discussion and debate then you are sure to find a past episode that interests you.

Agreed. According to a Woz, you shouldn’t buy an iPhone X because “I’m not going to upgrade, although I don’t really know why, and I look forward to seeing how my wife’s X works.”

*comment deleted due to redundancy*

What the hell is going on in this comment chain?!?! An iPhone user saying nice things about Android products, and an Android user complimenting iPhones? People recognizing that both products have pros and cons that make them solid choices? Is this still the internet? Where am I?!?!

How can I subscribe to your newsletter?

I love me some t-nation, but I think you have to take a lot of the articles with a grain of salt. Notice how they’re selling their supplements at the end of the article. Not to mention that this kind of workout is targeted at the fairly intense lifting crowd- guys who are prepping for bodybuilding shows, have access

If you think that an exercise program that targets your obliques is going to burn enough calories to allow you to successfully shed some weight you are going to have a bad time.

“Getting you moving is the point.”

Now playing

“Brooks immediately whirled around as if he’d been shot, located the ref, and proceeded to yawp about the contact until Jokic got hit with a technical foul.”

“There are people who are starting NFL quarterbacks, at the height of their careers, who can not make that throw in a game.”