
Those would be absurd, but those aren’t his assertions. He makes a different argument than the one the author of this piece puts forward. He’s not saying the press release is somehow the bar to prosecution. He’s saying the promises made in the press release raise significant legal issues if broken. Nobody is claiming

I’m not sure how this can be interpreted to him being on the Cosby team. The timeline seems to be this: 1) He promises not to prosecute Cosby; this was due to the reasonable determination that a) there wasn’t enough evidence to obtain a conviction, and b) so long as criminal prosecution was possible Cosby could invoke

And Tucci! I will not sit idly by and allow y’all to attack a movie with Stanley Tucci in it! I would watch that man watch paint dry for 2 hours.

You’re missing out. The Core is pure crap, but it has Stanley Tucci. If you’re not willing to sit through crap to watch Tucci do his thing then you’re not living life to its fullest.

Y’all are crazy. Butler makes exactly the kind of crap that is fun to watch and laugh about later.

c) I haven’t looked this up in a while, but I’m not quite sure that top 3 picks typically get $10k/year for their shoe deals. Sure, making your own shoe is more badass than that (I guess? Maybe?), but I seem to recall reading about 7 figure deals from adidas, nike, etc., for Ball.

How is 124 attempts over nearly half a season a small sample size? Do they have to play the entire season before you’ll allow people to make a claim about the kind of year anyone is having? It’s ironic that you attack people for using a small sample size and then claim that they shouldn’t have run the ball based off

“But trying to drop the mic after said bad take makes you look like a smarmy douche.”

Good luck with this. KC lost, which is all the proof some people need that the strategy was terrible. Of course, the evidence that it was actually a good idea is irrelevant, so you can’t win this one. I’ll never understand the people who look at an outcome to determine if a decision was a good idea in the moment, but

How old are most of the participants in this stuff? A lot of this sounds like kids being a-holes to one another. Obviously, the death threats should be fully prosecuted. The other stuff reminds me of the kind of nonsense guys would do and say to each other when they’d have beef in high school or when we are all in

Yup, so how do you deal with that? Probably by keeping a defender back to guard the cherry picker. Which means you have less cramming in the box, there is more spacing, which allows the game to free up and more exciting plays to take place. Or coaches allow the cherry picker and press forward trying to get an

I’m constantly advocating that they simply get rid of the penalty entirely. Make defenses play defense. It will spread the field, open up more opportunities for exciting plays, and will completely eliminate the incredibly frustrating situation where something amazing ALMOST happens only to be called off because a guy

As an aside, whose eye was that at the beginning (included in the gif above)?

I have. And they were fun, lighthearted movies. Much like most of the other Marvel movies.

Good lord dude, calm down with the defensiveness. I’m not sure I said anything even remotely controversial. I said the movies were all perfectly good times at the movies, but nothing all that groundbreaking when you look at each movie individually. Do you think that anyone who doesn’t fawn and heap praise all over MCU

Eh, I thought SP:H was fine, but nothing all that exceptional. People just seemed super excited that spiderman was brought back into the MCU, but otherwise it just followed along with the same beats as any other marvel film. I thought the people who claimed it was the best spiderman movie were delusional (spiderman 2

Excluding Winter Soldier actually. The CA movies are solid films, through and through. All the other marvel movies have been good times, but most of them are just fine in my book.

Completely agree actually. I wish I could rephrase my original comment to make it clear that there were a few exceptions to the standard format of marvel movies. The CA movies are all varying degrees of great.

I chuckled at the comment concerning the emotional core of other marvel movies. They’ve all been fine, but I haven’t been very emotionally invested in any of them, let alone all/most of them. They all tick off the necessary plot points and go through the motions, set up the sequels and other movies, and go through a

Says the guy who accused me of being right wing because I can point out poor logic. Did you actually have anything relevant to add to this comment thread? Based off your comments on other articles it seems like you like to drop in, spout off irrelevant nonsense, hurl insults, and leave. Was that your plan here, or do