
“One has absolutely nothing to do with the other, so comparing them is meaningless, analogy or not.” That literally demonstrates a failure to understand what an analogy is. An analogy is “a comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification.” He was using the comparison to explain

The comment you were responding to was in no way advocating for exposing your children to as much radiation as possible, yet you continue to attack everyone as if that is what is being advocated for in this comments thread...

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Oh man. I didn’t even think I was being subtle. This is amazing. Cheers pal- I’ll remember you fondly :)

Hold up hold up hold you really not understand what’s going on here?

You can’t be this stupid...

I thought the same thing from the gif, but if you watch the video it’s clear that she had plenty of room to spare.

Oh, I completely agree with you. I don’t think anyone should expect the Packers to light things up through the air for the rest of the year. I was just pointing out that most people actually thought Rodgers was going to be pretty good- they may not have realized just HOW good he was, but it was pretty reasonable to

No capitalization and terrible punctuation? A return to form for you!!

Oh, I agree, cloud storage can occasionally be annoying. My point about putting things in the cloud was merely that you can get by 99% of the time with only 16 gigs of storage. But I would never voluntarily have only that much storage on my phone. But if you can get by 99% (or even just 90-95%) of the time with only

Hahahaha, gotcha. So you posted an irrelevant comment that was meant as a snarky rejection of the premise of my comment, had no intention of engaging in an actual discussion, and then falsely criticized me for posting irrelevant comments with no intention of engaging in actual discussion. Cheers to you sir- you made

Eh, most people had a good expectation that Rodgers would be pretty solid (that expectation was the whole reason they insisted on Favre going in the first place). A better example is when Drew Bledsoe went down and the Patriots had to start some 6th round pick named Brady. I still remember the guys on PTI and Around

I’ll never get the criticism against Reid. Everywhere he goes teams outperform, do well, and win. Sure, he hasn’t won a super bowl, but it’s not like those Eagles teams were exactly world beaters. Is he an all time great head coach of the likes of Lombardi or Belichick? No. But he’s a pretty good coach, and he’d be an

Agreed. My 64 gb iPhone 6's battery was giving out the other week, so I borrowed a friend’s 16 gig version to hold me over until I can get an iPhone X. At first I didn’t think I could make it work for a few weeks, but after deleting apps that I never used and putting everything else (music, photos, podcasts, etc.) in

*Pushes pedantic glasses further up nose*

I’m not really taking a position on the underlying issues (I’m no expert), but your argument is fairly ludicrous. It shows how just the word “radiation” has this connotation that makes people freak out, regardless of whether or not there is anything to be concerned about. We’re all exposed to certain levels of

I mean, they’ll definitely mention Green Lantern in the JL movie. He’s already brought up in the trailer (“No lanterns. No kryptonians. This world will fall. Like all the others.” something along those lines). So I’d imagine there will be some references to set up his appearance in the future.

Now playing

Norm MacDonald nailed the “battle” terminology -

People need to chill out about In-N-Out. The problem is the hype makes it sound like it’s an objectively excellent burger no matter the metric. It is most certainly not. If you compare it based off of cost, then sure, it’s much better than McDonalds (kinda like how George W all of the sudden looks like a fantastic