
Certainly sounds like “respect”, especially in the context of an argument between a couple of youngsters and an older guy.

“On twitter some folks are saying he’s Latino and the old guy called him a “spic”.”

I’d say a “spoiler” is anything that “spoils” something that the movie was trying to accomplish. Spiderman wasn’t really a spoiler because he didn’t appear out of nowhere to do anything exciting- he was originally introduced as just a character meeting Tony Stark. So when the director is making the movie he’s not

Eh, the GotG2 example doesn’t seem like a great one. Just because it’s a big reveal that happens early in the movie doesn’t mean it’s not a huge reveal- you still get the same shock if you see a huge revelation 20 minutes in as if it comes 90 minutes in. And I think raising this in defense of the Star Wars trailer

I’ve never had anything above an iPhone 6 and I never knew there was a way to restart it with the home button. I always just hold down the phone lock button on the right side for a few seconds and bam. Phone turns off. Wait a second, then hold that button again. Boom. Phone restarts. How do you do it with the home

Great, thanks!

Great, thanks!

How do the games look/feel/sound? I want to get the classic SNES just to play Final Fantasy III- if I get a raspberry is it going to feel like the same experience?

How do the games look/feel/sound? I want to get the classic SNES just to play Final Fantasy III- if I get a

Then what’s the point of posting? To point out that someone can use legal means to commit illegal acts? And you said people could “accuse” them of encouraging and assisting illegal acts- um, so what? They’ve literally printed articles explaining how to download emulators, so I don’t think they care if anyone says

Then what’s the point of posting? To point out that someone can use legal means to commit illegal acts? And you said

“the whole deal is kinda cheap and chintzy”

“the whole deal is kinda cheap and chintzy”

How many can I do? Probably a couple dozen (it’s been a while, but knocking out 20 was a pretty decent warm up for me a few years back).

I like the Marvel movies just fine, but I can’t recall any soundtracks that I actually found interesting/exciting/good. What great music are you referring to?

I think you’re vastly overestimating the appeal of aesthetics given your examples. The iPhone looked fine, and still looks fine, but it’s not appreciably more beautiful than another phone (and they’re are certainly android phones over the years that looked better but sold much worse). When it came out it had a hugely

Eh, you could account for that pretty easily with relativity and time dilation. She could be fighting on some ship going 99% the speed of light- in her solo movie she’s fighting for 20 minutes, but when she finally slows the ship down 20 years on earth has passed. She’s the same age, explains her absence, etc. etc.

Hahahahahahaha. This only confirms my suspicion that the only people who give a shit about the way electronics look frequently do so for the dumbest of reasons.

I mean, sure, but so long as the device isn’t shaped like a giant dong then I don’t really think it matters. No matter what, they’re going to look like small electronic assistants- nothing about the google home mini shouts “OMG, so beautiful!” It looks nice, the dot looks nice, they all look nice because at the end of

Agreed. Someone who gets great satisfaction out of doing “good” is also doing it for very selfish reasons- it makes them feel better. By Aurelius’ definition, the only “good” are people that HATE doing good, despise the way it makes them feel, yet still go about being good for...what reason exactly? As a great man

Agreed. I’m always amazed at how much attention tech bloggers pay to the aesthetic of stuff like this. Both the dot and mini are odd, small devices that are clearly there to be used as voice assistants- they are not meant to be works of art, and honestly, nobody that I know could care less about that. You buy it for

I think we can simply look back to 2012 for what the most painful outcome would be.

Riiiiggghhhhtttt. Don’t even play the game. Just let the Cubs advance already.