
Eh, whether or not anyone there agrees with the idea is irrelevant. I’m sure there are people high up at ESPN that love the idea of increasing diversity for diversity’s sake. But it’s a corporate entity, incorporated to make money. The fact that people are continuously so outraged that corporations make decisions for

So they didn’t change the policy about standing at all, we have no idea when they did it, and all they did was clarify what the punishment could be. But this is a big deal for some reason. Okay.

Wow...just wow. You should know that people want you to just go away.

Wow...just wow. You should know that people want you to just go away.

A wise choice. It was the only reason I clicked on the link. I already have a costume, but I needed to see a larger image of that guy :)

A wise choice. It was the only reason I clicked on the link. I already have a costume, but I needed to see a larger

Ummm...did anyone else immediately fall in love with that pit bull?

Ummm...did anyone else immediately fall in love with that pit bull?

Exactly. I’m not sure the author understands why guys are so heavy a week before the weigh ins. Adding weight classes isn’t going to have any impact on that at all. I like the idea of doing it a few hours before the fight- fighting at that level of dehydration is pretty much a guaranteed competitive disadvantage, so

And I’d rather watch you do it for 13 minutes than watch the clip above. This guy is the absolute worst.

Eh, everything he said has been common knowledge for a while, right? Like, every new flash-in-the-pan jeopardy champion gets interviewed and they say there are whole internet forums of people pointing out the patterns in Jeopardy questions. “Study Shakespeare and English Royalty and you’ll be fine” kind of tips. I

This doesn’t seem very surprising. The “no haggle” policy is itself worth something to certain buyers. For people who hate the thought of negotiating, knowing that they can get a car for a particular price without having to go back and forth can be comforting. So it’s a “value” in and of itself that a dealer can fall

So basically the Pixel XL is probably worth purchasing, but everything else is either just okay or not worth the exorbitant costs. I’m pretty disappointed with these offerings.

Marry that wom...oh, wait. Good work.

I literally have no idea what you’re basing some sort of broad, personal critique of me on (I pretty much just said the movie lacked nuance and was disappointing- I’m not sure how that’s “super mister logical”, whatever that means), but I do appreciate you making it perfectly clear that you’re just a sad man who’s an

Does it make you feel like a big man to be an anonymous jackass? I can never quite understand why people spend their days behaving the way you just did.

Definitely worth another viewing. Depending on where you live, you may be able to wait for it to play on the big screen somewhere. I live in DC, and it’s played at the American Film Institute’s theater in Silver Spring Maryland a couple of times over the past few years, and it’s also played during the Air and Space

After the sequels it’s become cool to criticize the Matrix, but I can’t think of a sci-fi movie that was more influential than it over the past 35 years. And it wasn’t just the special fx (like, say, with Jurassic Park, another hugely influential movie on the list)- it got people actively talking and debating its

You can dislike it all you’d like, but it’s hard to claim that a movie that got great reviews, was a box office smash, and is beloved by fans 30 years later objectively “sucks”. Aliens easily deserved its ranking on this list.

“Snowpiercer: Had some great performances and a couple of good sequences but the entire thing kind of falls apart if you think about it for more than a minute.”

I was also hoping for Act Raiser. That games seems to have been forgotten to the sands of time, but I remember being obsessed with it back in the day.

Where are you shopping that already has “a lot more already”?

I’m a very casual baseball fan. I watch intermittently, but am open to being a bigger fan. I’m probably exactly the kind of guy that baseball should be really trying to convert into a diehard fan. I watched the first 4 innings last night, but when I realized it was 10:30 PM and the game was still only halfway done I