
Eh, doesn’t that describe 95% of post-game press conference questions? The purpose of most of the questions seems to be to get the coach or players to describe something obvious so that when the reporters do their story for the game they can use the quote. Pop sayed “our ability to defend the three point line helped

Lol, the game where he had 51 points and a triple double, and had to jack up exhausted, well defended shots at the end of the game because his team is total shit and nobody else could do a damn thing? You’re criticizing him for not being a team player despite having 13 assists that game? The only reason they’re in

I don’t think anyone could have asked for a better display of your bias then your claim that Machado was REALLY holding Pedroia down to make sure that the guy was safe as first. Talk about unreasonably mischaracterizing what happened.

“Yeah, but then there’s that whole thing where most of the major crashes are one of the Asian airlines...”

What was the point of highlighting that? He literally said right before the part you quoted that it’s a privilege not everyone has.

See Stanford Prison Experiment

I hate listening to the mental gymnastics Mark Jackson does to avoid saying what that obviously was- a dirty ass play from a dirty ass player.

It was done because the author mistakenly believed the photos to be an apples to apples comparison. The fact he was mistaken on that is almost the definition of an honest mistake.

“I’m not arguing whether it’s worth it, I just think it’s an incredibly stupid battle to pick.”

Based off your metric, your analysis also lacks context. 34 vs. 36 players showed up. You analyze the political reasons why some players didn’t show up this time. Were there any players who didn’t go last time because of disagreements with Obama? Frankly, the whole article seems to be grasping at straws. Some

This is like arguing that it was Scottie and Ron Harper that won rings for the Bulls. It’s just wrong. Yes, Cleveland needed those other guys to play well to win, but the only reason they played as well as they did was because of how out-of-this-world good Lebron was. If you put any other player on the planet

Go watch the Memphis Coach’s press conference from a few nights ago if you want to understand why they do this. 95% of the time it’s boring and routine, but every once in a while you get a rant or a temper tantrum that goes viral.

I have used aluminum foil in the past and it worked just fine.

I can imagine it, and what I picture people saying is “umps make bad calls all the time. The fact this happened at the end of the game didn’t cost the Nats the game. The fact that the Nats couldn’t get one more strike to end the game after the Ump’s mistake was what cost them the game. You can’t change outcomes

I highly doubt it. Remember a few years ago when that pitcher had a perfect game taken away from him by a first base umpire who was wrong by like three feet (and who admitted after the game that he totally blew the call)? That pitcher got the next batter out, so if they had gone back and said that he actually earned

Hitting someone in the face as a prank is still a crime, and subject to the same punishment as hitting them in the face on a lark, on a whimsy, or as a serious matter. I don’t know of anyone who has ever been hit in the face and said “oh, it was a prank? Lol, then I’m cool with it.”

This is absurd. The judge isn’t going to allow any of these completely irrelevant arguments into the trial. It’s a simple assault case. “Did you intend to cause harmful or offensive contact on the victim? Were you successful?” Whether or not you think that he was a bad mayor that did bad stuff is irrelevant to

Seriously? What’s the reasoning behind that? I don’t even get the whole “it’s a dick move” argument. It’s just a smart play. Every other sport is built on the notion that tricking the other team is fair game. It’s like claiming a play action pass is a dick move.

Anyone who thinks this was some sort of Tim Tebowesque “steal a roster spot from a guy whose dream is to play in the league” situation is an idiot. It was a friendly publicity stunt that seems to have been handled perfectly. Folks need to relax.