If you never existed you really can’t have a preference.
If you never existed you really can’t have a preference.
Bipolar disorder doesn’t make people act like this, being a virulent narcissist does. At his core, he is a deeply shitty person. He never gave a shit about his mother because he refused to do the one thing his mother wanted him to do, which was educate himself. This is all on him, and as I said before, this is…
The irony here being he is exactly as qualified to be the president as the oaf currently lodged in the White House.
It’s weird that the Americans could not do the one thing they should have excelled at, namely sitting their asses down at home and watching television for a month.
Hell, the joke from the Live Show is about how insanely offensive and awful blackface was during that era.
“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.”
Being able to watch those episodes with the benefit of hindsight seems more like a step in the right direction to me than removing them.
What?! This movie was highly enjoyable and Tom Cruise and his wig were campy, scenery-chewing perfection. I gotta say, I’ve been visiting this site since it launched but I think I’m done. Between that ghastly “breaking quarantine for dick” article and the current writers’ insistence on writing entire articles sneering…
Boy, i can’t wait for the next episode of Clarissa Jezsplains It All.
Watch the damn film before making a comment on it. JoJo Rabbit is objectively one of the least hateful films ever made. This isn’t glorifying Nazi’s or fascism it shows the tragic consequences of buying into ideology of hate and how humanity has to be stronger than it.
thank you. A much better impression than the negative drivel of this journalist. Apparently, if it has been very well received by numerous critics & nominated for multiple awards, she hates it.. e y e r o l l
The relationship between Picard and Data was most significant during the TNG films, which makes sense given that Picard didn’t start to let his guard down with his crew until the series finale. Even before then, Picard certainly always took a special interest in Data’s quest to become human.
Jezebel should hire you to be a guest writer, this is really good.
I was more mad about the dead animals, mostly because I think you’ve got the storytelling purposes twisted.
Darth Fabulous will be here all week, ladies and gentlemen. Make sure to try the veal. Don’t forget to tip your server.
You mean that list of scientists that is mostly not climate scientists, and includes several non-scientists?
She knew better. You never mess with old folks, little kids that can’t defend themselves, mentally and physically challenged folk and those too ill to fight back.
There are two Maines: Portland and everywhere else. The fact that I live in Portland is also a reason for Collins to disregard my opinion. The rest of the state knows that us Leftist whackos in Portland just sit around sipping artisanal mead, wearing Bean boots ironically and watching Bill Green as a joke, while plotti…