Today’s word is “proportion” you dumb MFer!
Today’s word is “proportion” you dumb MFer!
Not to mention the incredibly irrational seeds of self-destruction that they’re programming their children and grandchildren with.
The courts of Colonial Maryland and Virginia established “whiteness”. A totally artificial, arbitrary and utterly nonscientific distinction. And in doing so, they also established “blackness”. So if you had a minimum amount of sincerity here, it would rationally cause you to ask yourself WHY they first did it in the…
Foundationally, do you have any idea how massive of a quantity of kidnapping, rape, torture, murder and straight genocide of tens of millions of humans, carried out continuously over five unbroken centuries, that you have to just blithely walk past and pretend not to see the magnitude of, in order to instead suddenly t…
The underlying system of institutional racism is partially sustained on the perpetuation of the illusion of white innocence. It’s far from an accident. And most definitely not a “bug in the system”. It’s a requirement.
They’re down to less than 9% of the world’s total population. And sociologically destroying the crap out of themselves (drugs, suicides, mass shootings, etc.).
Before you TRY to do anything, first understand one, single, foundational and inescapable reality. Racism and white supremacy have been five centuries of gross, nasty, shitty, perverse, insane, and most of all, sadistic dehumanization and torture. Every possible second of that entire five centuries. Therefore, there…
Oh, but the inevitable and inescapable downsides!
I was gonna say, in their twisted universe, being accused of being a racist is apparently worse than actually living through it 24/7, for centuries on end.
It is still pretty much the ultimate taboo in America. But the cost of fighting blindly and mindlessly to preserve more and more readily apparent and ahistorical racialized lies and manipulations when you’re down to 65% of the nation’s population, has far greater hidden sociological consequences for white people…
In the four century history of blacks dealing with white supremacy in America, there is one single absolute that remains untouched and unaltered throughout all the succeeding generations. Life as designated second class citizens demands that, as early as possible in life, black folks have to know how to identify…
All these years later, and in light of the tragedy that they co-authored together, we now know she had Stephen Miller at “thuggish goons”. And through the lens of hindsight, we see it for the moment of absolute Hell-inspired destiny that it was back in 2019!
Which is the more painful experience?
Probably the first of many.
Here’s the absolute conclusion of the matter!!! Once and for all!!!
And yet, in spite of centuries of monumental evidence (and as most black folks would easily expect), Michael is showing a few twisted examples above of stereotypical self-hating minorities still buying into the brainwashing. Essentially telling him, “Yeah Michael, you’re the one who’s lying!” “It IS our own fault!”…
Black poverty. “Your fault for being lazy.” Income inequality. “Your fault for being financially illiterate.” Police brutality. “Your fault for not following orders.” Unbalanced health outcomes. “Your fault for not eating healthy (on limited incomes).” Educational attainment. “Your fault because of lack of role…
“I don’t think I’ve ever been called a ‘lying motherfucker’ before.”
AKA Goddamn Michael! You’re absolutely right about that shit!
Old school, simple answer.