poor hapless white souls who were only trying to live their lives and, maybe, occasionally, blurt out a “nigger” or two.
poor hapless white souls who were only trying to live their lives and, maybe, occasionally, blurt out a “nigger” or two.
We had 50-odd years of multiracial indentured servitude. And it wasn’t enough. We needed us some “n*****s”! And the rest, as they say, is history! Now, suddenly, 350 years later, we can just magically regulate the entirety of that insanely brutal and absolutely ALL-consuming hunger away with just the wave her (or…
Every shred of paper that ever will or has ever had her name on it in public, will forever be guaranteed to be endlessly defaced with “KKK” in big bold letters if that turns out to be true!!!
OK y’all...I’m goin’ straight to HELL for this one!!!
White entitlement: The most addictive (and self-destructive) drug known to mankind. Meth and opioids ain’t got nothin’ on that ish!
Had to look her up. Only saw the plantation retreat thingy. Is she otherwise a repeat customer to such obliviousness?
I wish I could remember the precise wording of that f’d up canned speech that the right wingers give like clockwork every time an unarmed black person is shot by police. It’s something to the effect of, “If they’d just obey orders (like all white people apparently do) then they wouldn’t have to worry about being shot.”…
Mike Tyson himself would be jealous as hell of the power of that punch to Ken’s temple.
How would you react if you’d tried every f’ing thing under the sun to either completely demoralize or outright destroy an entire race of people for four nonstop centuries, and you instead looked up and they were somehow thriving? And not just thriving, but more and more influencing your entire culture? Now, here’s the…
First rule of Fight Club: Never talk about Fight Club.
Like the old cliche that “the Devil’s greatest accomplishment was in convincing the world that he doesn’t exist”. Racist white America’s continuing greatest accomplishment is in convincing the rest of America that white supremacy can somehow be magically ended by these types of astounding individual acts of…
Uh...cause after five centuries they’ve surely learned from their mistakes and they’ve changed! Duh! /s
With collector’s cards of Clarence, Harris, Stacey, etc., at no extra charge.
If there was even a millionth of the things wrong with black people that have been ascribed to us over the last four centuries, then wouldn’t it be logical for whites to simply leave a space like this completely alone. Since supposedly all “piece of shit” blacks do is take their good things and F them up?
You’re trying to be non-racist. So you’re always going to be at the center of whatever you set out to do. Not the people you’re supposedly trying to help. When you stop trying to be non-racist and start to learn what it instead means to be anti-racist, then you’ll be on to something. Because until then you’ll never…
Expand you Google view. Worldwide, whites make up less than 10% of the world’s population. Continued lying, cheating and stealing against 90+ percent of the world’s population is a highly unsustainable (if not outright suicidal) mindset. So, based on THOSE ratios, who is it who needs who???
Number 1.