


Enough for that 75% to “get organized and fight back” against that one person too!!!

Damn, I lost the hell out of that bet!


To add to your “torture”.

There’s probably one or two folks that somehow think I’m a tiny bit biased where he’s concerned, but if there was a Mt Rushmore for black folks I’d raise holy hell if he wasn’t on it.

If you look at the overall numbers of whites who are losing health insurance, increasingly dying of alcoholism and drug addiction, living in poverty, etc., we’re now at a stage where more total white lives depend on ending white supremacy in America than POC. And those numbers are increasing exponentially.

For the white supremacist system to function as designed it has always required that the absolute maximum amount possible of all white people be endlessly conditioned, 24/7, (for now almost 4 centuries straight) to remain obtuse to the existence of white racial violence. That doesn’t just happen. It’s been very

I despise that MF’ing word “ally” with a burning hot passion that rivals the heat of the sun itself!!! Because it’s just as anti-scientific and fraudulently made-up out of the blue as the original creation of the word “white” itself.

“A coward dies a thousand times before his death, but the valiant taste of death but once...” William Shakespeare

“Death of despair.”

This is far and away the biggest of my soapboxes. Because every single ounce of this debate is essentially moot, if we don’t first begin it with discussions of what reparations NEEDS to mean to white people (psychologically especially) themselves. Because in a huge pile of mostly invisible ways, white folks need the

I almost want to keep asking you questions, just to see how long you can keep coming up with a continuous stream of these excuses and rationalizations that would tend to make most black (and red) folks want to vomit.

I don’t think the purpose is racialized violence. Racialized violence is the means, not the end.

First there was Obama and his tan suit. Now it’s Kamala laughing at the R-word. If the Left keeps up this way-over-the-top outrageous behavior, they could mess around and self-sabotage their chances of overcoming all of trump’s little oopsies, like...Concentration camps; kidnapping and deporting deathly ill children;

I’m very much with you on this one!

I’ll keep saying the two main points again and again.


Believe it or not that’s too optimistic. The accumulated baggage on the soul of intentionally attempting to destroy the very humanity of tens of millions of people over five unbroken centuries comes at a huge hidden spiritual and psychological cost. Skyrocketing rates of drug addictions, mass shootings, alcoholism,