Uh, no surprise that Fry loves someone he sees as his grandmother….
Uh, no surprise that Fry loves someone he sees as his grandmother….
O.K.,but it's often sappy, and never as beautiful as "Adventure Time" often is, visually and in mono-no-awaré.
It's a pretty standard family: Pearl is a Harried Mom, Amethyst is the Bratty Older Sister who sneaks you candy and beats you up, and Garnet is the Decent but Scary Black Woman Cop with an Accent Born Within the Sound of the Bells.
I liked the 'Grown-Ass Man' sketch a lot more before the reveal, which provides a explanation that is less than necessary.
What about Dana Gould as Maurice Evans as Dr Zaius as Hal Holbrook as Mark Twain as Satan?
Yes, the willingness was there, and there is a limit to faulting people (especially sui generis magical dog people with A.D.H.D. who've saved the world?),for just not being up to it. Maybe that's a whitewash of my own inadequacies, but maybe it's not just that, since all but perhaps a very few of us are not always…
I wonder if Giuseppe was the spirit of wizardry itself, or perhaps the first of the wizard species (they seem to be treated as such)…all the wizards then are as children, though 'daughters' in that case were ironic given the apparent gender disparity in Ooo wizardry….
I don't get the feeling of any kind of acceptance from Kim Kil Whan at the end, more like a muted despair of being able to change things, which is different, and is probably as good as he can get.
I saw the bee/flower thing as saying 'Yes, there are people who are at first interested in you because they want something from you, frequently that's sex…and there's nothing wrong with that if they're good for you, from the sex and otherwise.' One shouldn't just use people as means, but I believe that I've seen the…
I gather that a lot of people's first sexual experiences were with people they'd rather forget.
I don't think the Cosmic Owl left because it was afraid of being killed by Jake, but because it knew what a jerk Jake evidently always becomes whenever he plays Card Wars.
I just like Maester Qyburn as Victor Frankenstein or Herbert West—-maybe he's got some powdered wight bone in whatever he was going to use to replace Gregor's blood.
Yes there is, though he doesn't look as friendly and warm as the book describes.
The Missandei/{Grey Worm} scene was also a great stand-in for the scene inw hich Daenerys nearly loses it after finding out that some of the Unsullied, though they be 'complete' eunuchs, frequent brothels just to sleep with a woman.
Just once I want to hear a 'warrior race' language that sounds beautiful and flowing and mellifluous to the English-speaking ear—-it's kind of cheap to make the language for that sort of group of people sound grunt-y. (Yes, I know that what's a grunt to me might be euphonious to a native speaker, but I'm speaking to…
I'm just happy to hear someone pronounce 'ae', which I'm assuming is just a dumbed-down 'æ', and putting emphases where they sound better to me, hence 'DYE-neh-reess' rather than 'duh-NA-rihs', the 'A' in 'NA' being pronounced like the old letter 'ash', whose visual confusion with the Latin 'æ' is probably responsible…
The language we use creates and distorts our model of reality, and so causes us Great Dishonour—-this is the Sapir-Worf Hypothesis.
Nice parallelism: Mance Rayder tells Jon that he quite possibly could carry out his planned assassination, but that the other wildlings would kill him slowly for that, but '…you knew that and you went anyway.'; later, the warg in the roots says that Jojen knew from the first that he would die getting Bran to him, but…
I noted that wealth first threatens their house, then Jake's sanity, and then their lives, but they're finally saved by someone _playing_, not trying to earn or steal money.
It reminds me of Bill Griffith's Zippy's 'All life is a blur of Republicans and meat.'.