Exactly…though Jake was more like the book's explicitly mean-spirited Guy Grand's Coyote-like figure* than the film's, who was a more friendly trickster in the service of making a point.
Exactly…though Jake was more like the book's explicitly mean-spirited Guy Grand's Coyote-like figure* than the film's, who was a more friendly trickster in the service of making a point.
Yes, well, after the fight, he was locale-specifically covered in blood.t.
'And so you shall!'
That last: When? She's incorporated donated sugar, and I think has taken a bite out of one or two of them, but I don't recall her going all Lemongrab on anyone….
I think it suffers from massive Helm's Deep envy, when it's not that sort of battle at all…and the tender and emotional death scene (to use a Pythonism) for Ygritte was to me a mistake, but an extremely understandable one…in something that goes on as long as this, some sort of small closure might be a necessity, and…
Next up: are all the Tyrells actually replicants?
I think it's because all of the rest, even Tyrion, have been players of the game where Shae had been unable to even see it, it seemed. She seemed idealistic to the point of stupidity and near-suicide, so she had further to fall.
'Reek' professing love for Ramsay makes me wonder about the 'trueness' of a camp follower's profession of love in very dangerous times for the son of the most powerful and rich man in the country. I can believe both are 'true'—-I don't worship Love, though I love loving and being loved—-but the question of 'how…
Recall that Tyrion nearly begged Pod to testify against him.
I think it's partially because some people believe that True Love Solves Everything, and because everyone knows that Varys is smart and good at self-preservation, where Shae has seemed unrealistic enough to repeatedly has made stupid choices that I've always assumed would doom her. In this, she's not too different…
And the 'getting crap past the radar' award goes to:
P.B.'s 'cheeese' face is a tribute to the first Wallace and Grommit cartoon, as in:
Beautiful, but I felt worse than when they killed Fry's dog.
Yup, and he uses a bit of German, uses technobabble in a simile as if everyone could understand it, and followed Lemonhope around.
I took that for a "Kojak" reference.
That was just an ad for the Good Life in the Offworld Colonies.
0.) 'Defender of London, the one they call "Jayne"'
1.) Homage to "B.t.V.S."'s subway fight between Spike and the slayer Wood (the one with the afro, the whole thing is shot as '70s grindhouse)? Maybe not, trains are classic fight scenes in classic fight scenes.
2.) Grayson's analysis of Jayne's motivations sounds…
Ever seen George Carlin's performance on an early "NBC's Saturday Night"?…just minutes of staring, to great effect.
It might be better viewed altered…it's a mess, its' like they threw a bunch of ideas against the wall and used the ones that refused to stick even when plied with tar, cyanoacrylates, and Gorilla glue.
You call that lossy compression? The ASCII version of "Deep Throat" is superior to the original.