Gerald Bourguet

Great premiere. But sorry, the whole "giant douche vs. a turd sandwich thing" is still fantastic. Think a lot of South Park fans enjoyed the callback to it, especially since it's as relevant now as it was then.

Excellent episode. Loved the callbacks to Breaking Bad too, including the "Ken Wins" guy, the tequila Gus used on the cartel and even the cop that came to the house when Skyler called the police on Walt

That makes sense, that was kind of the sense I got from the S1 reviews I read. I was hooked from like the second episode but it definitely got better in the second half. Kind of odd that so many review sites don't even watch a full season of a show before reviewing it, but the S2 reviews have been pretty positive so

Really excited this show will be getting coverage. Season 1 didn't get great reviews but I personally loved how it mixed those bleak gut checks with the kind of intelligent humor one would expect from a show like this. In the words of Todd, "HOORAY!"