
The 2nd season is a lot better since they moved it to Ireland or Scotland. Much larger in scope and feel than the first season.

The Mars in League with Mao may or may not be true.

Exactly. First time should be done in high chaos, since its new and more difficult because of that. Going high chaos is easier.

I don't know if I want to do another playthrough after the Royal Conservatory and Crack in a Slab missions, they gave gave me the creeps. They turned that bit of Dishonored up a notch in part 2 for sure. Not relishing the idea of going back there, it was brilliant though.

Didn't even notice the Donald Trump thing until you mentioned it, and even then we are way off. The reporter isn't groping women here. He is dating a younger women for sure, hardly unusual for someone who appears on TV like a weather reporter. Nor is he abusing any women. In fact, he turns out to be a good guy.

You mean Sunny? I doubt any of the Barons can actually fight off a top assassin, especially one that killed 50 men almost by himself. What makes them a Baron or Baroness is having henchman to answer to them.

I actually got "hooked" with this episode. I found it actually engaging to watch.

This is actually one of my favorite episodes in the 8, I have to go with the rest on the peanut gallery on this one being better than the reviewers opinion on it.

The reviewer still has issues on how harsh Bernadette is to Howard going back several episodes. I'm not surprised at all, Howard is still a small man-child who has somewhat replaced his Mother with his Wife. The fact that a no nonsense women like Bernadette can be "mean spirited" to a home slacker like Howard is

Kyle, I think you are expecting a bit too much and going far too deep in
your expectations of this show. Its a 22 minute comedy show. It's become popular in part because of the "cheap" jokes, and those particular moments when the writers go occasionally extra negative on a particular character. You complain about