
Can’t hear you over the chewing!

How has this never been brought up before?!

Hilariously, after all the looking I’ve been doing, we had a few things change in priorities and I now pick up my new 2018 GTI SE on Saturday.


Boom. Roasted.

The call was coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE!

No matter the price, do NOT buy a 5 year old ‘electric car’. Lease, lease, lease, lease.

This has been Geph’s lesson of the day.

We do an office pool every year and with 18/24.. you’re looking that the 2019 champ!

AWD cArs ArE MoRe ExpenSiVe HeRe in cAnaDa..

But really, what’s going on up there in the great White North?

Here in the states that’s not the case, below are base models with CVT and destination charge, all are FWD except the Impreza, obviously:
Civic: $21,170
Impreza: $20,480
Corolla: $20,065
Mazda 3: $20,240

Why? You get AWD in a pricepoint that’s comparable to other FWD vehicles in the same class.

Who. Cares?

No one. You can’t de-turd this one Bethesda.

Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.

I test drove an M-sport 340xi and a S4 back to back, no comparison. The S4 is the better drivers car. S3 is fun as hell, but very small.

The cheerleader coach went on to say, ‘I don’t understand why everyone is so upset, they give out the ‘Big Dick Award’ at the baseball banquet and all those boys seem to be excited to win....’

Well actually!!.... why some teams ‘special’ liveries aren’t their main ones is beyond me, the base ones are so damn boring...

Be on it, in my way!

I found it! It was on a post about a man who was live-streaming himself going 115mph and crashed, to no ones surprise. 12/02/2016!

You sir, have the memory of an elephant.

It probably was, when I sent it in then too! This was... 2005 or 2006?

Got it, so pack shorts and flowered shirts. Check.

I’m 34 and married, but I can have adoption papers ready in like..... 2 hours, tops.