
It was actually a really good burn on the US Government shutdown because that’s what the Coast Guard told it’s employees to do...but...

No, he was in Black Hawk Down.

And in Civ 5 you get two free workers upon it’s completion! You know, since the slaves are done building the Pyramids.....

Pretty obvious that there’s at least 606 people currently that have $22,500 laying around and nothing to do with it.

This comment is criminally undocumented with stars, just like those kids....probably...according to ole’ zebra stripes here.

As a comparison, there are two Type-R’s listed on Autotrader atm, at 24,900 and 22,500, respectively. Both are in almost pristine condition, very little or no modifications.

I know I know, but one sold for over 40k last year! But, it was also in pristine condition and had 1/3 the miles. Take 5 grand off for the

My favorite part is that the majority of the forests that have been burning are actually federally controlled, not state controlled....sooo, yeah. The person responsible for lack of management is actually down the hall from him, not in California.

And we’ve been devastated ever since...

These are all for the Ford Edge ST, so moms can shave a few tenths off their grocery runs.

I live in Indiana, your scepticism is warranted.

What if, and bare with me now, he wanted to keep the government shut down so that the freeze would lift, knowing they would all get a raise....

I know, I know, who the fuck but an absolute psychopath would do that...but....

I actually agree with you. Anything greater than a 9 or 10:1 ratio is going to get lowered in an appeal. Even if you include the costs of the vehicle as part of the ‘damage’ and consider he wouldn’t have purchased it if the dealer had been forthcoming with the information, that’s only 1.2 million +/- in punitive

Hi ‘Owner of Northwest Arkansas Mercedes Dealership’ !! Welcome to Jalopnik!

Look, i’m a white suburbanite and I didn’t learn to fight as a child, hell, I went to a school that had one African American in our graduating class...of 460+ !! Not a proud statistic.

I don’t think I’d throw hands with an African American, regardless of gender or age at this point in my life. I once watched my

What? You crazy. Think of all the unused names he’s yet to discover for accounts. 2019 is filled with endless possibilities!

I wish we could put a moratorium on EV startups. They aren’t allowed to get any press until they have a production line that is actually making vehicles in mass.

It’s Geoff!, I have a co-worker who is going to sell his S3 in about 2’s very, very tempting. But after Tom’s praise, I need to at least sit in, and probably drive the S60 R for comparison!

You’re not afraid of the dark, are you?”