
Gas is one of the largest government subsidized products in the US, on top of that, taxes on it are low compared to the rest of the developed world. A strict gas tax isn’t always the best answer, as a tax on fuel itself also hurts business’s and has a greater impact on lower income drivers. If states were on it, they

Wow!, Way outta left field, but I love it.

Somehow got back to this, and boy has this reply not aged well! Just think of what we didn’t know! Ha!!


That’s not a real question is it?? Haha! Executive bonus’s and stock buybacks baby, all the way. Why would they invest in new plants or raise employee wages? Thems things are for suckers!

Hahahaha....No. Where’s Doug, we need him to post a long diatribe on Range Rover’s sans warranties.

That and people just have a complete disconnect for how food is processed and ends up in the grocery stores that we shop at.

GNO’s are a good example, while it has a bad name, 99% of all food we eat has been genetically modified for decades through selective cross breeding and engineering to produce higher yields,

Redpop is.... awful. We once bought a case in college, couldn’t drink it. So we set a can outside of every door in our hall. Most people left them, our neighbor even opened it and then thinking better, set the opened can BACK out in the hall.

This day can’t come soon enough. Burn the NCAA down.

Yo dawg, just chill.

Maximillian Potter.

Honest question, how fucking stupid do you have to be to completely miss the point of whats going on and literally depants yourself in public and make a complete ass of yourself?

UGH! No amount of stars I could give would be enough, but you get my +1 anyway.

Might be the only way you could get me to start drinking it... 


Now, he can’t. That’s the whole reason we’re here. He’s conflating posing nude or appearing nude on film as someone who doesn’t deserve to be taken seriously when they complain about sexual assault.

My solution is easy, pack all the people up that think like that, and set them adrift in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch,

QOTD, fur sure.

I’m also voting CP on Dumahim.

With 150k on the clock, regardless of it’s interior condition, it’s priced about $3,000 to high.

The highest price Aztek on the web I saw after a quick glance was a 2005 with 75k, from a dealer, for $5900