I think we can make a great HBO show about lesbian nurses.
I think we can make a great HBO show about lesbian nurses.
I stupidly did this when I first started working in the world of fixing computers. Then I decided to say fuck it and I let my womanness out in the world. I may still be the only woman doing what I am doing, but I will never hide it again.
Re: your disclosure. Have you considered neutralizing your online persona?
I think Clinton’s main problem is that she hasn’t had a chance to make a positive case for herself. Everything is Trump, Trump, Trump. Even when she gives speeches or interviews carefully detailing her policy proposals, the media will latch on to any anti-Trump criticisms she makes and turn it back to him.
The idea of Ted Cruz as a Supreme Court Justice makes me want to burn this country to the ground and hope that something better arises from the ashes.
oh my god, don’t mow in flip flops, you animal.
Same here! Except I do pee in the shower. MUAHAHAHAHAHA
LIFE TIP: If you find it nessacery to begin a sentence with “This person is not a white supremacist,” there is a 99% chance that that person is a white supremacist.
That fucking elitist attitude - I feel the same way when people dismiss southern states. These red and purple states that you feel so much better than are going to be electing people to YOUR congress. Acting like everyone should move away, that we should write off those states as a lost cause, or just stereotype…
“Keep your politics to yourself.”
Lunatic attributions? Motherfucker, what election have you been watching? Dude encouraged his supporters to beat people up. He’s pledged to overturn gay marriage. He wants to deport american citizens. These are things he himself has said. Well documented things. I’m not even talking new stuff like bringing back stop…
White Silicon Valley Tech Millionaire Unaware He Is Already Part Of The American Elite
Ya know, i was never aware of this Milo Yiannopoulos guy till youtube suggested me one of his videos. My goodness he’s a terrible human being.
Anytime JL tries to do anything “sexy” I can’t help picturing her bursting out laughing right after the scene was shot. I feel the same way about Blake Lively, except instead of laughing in genuine entertainment at the ridiculousness of it all, she laughs a bit just to cover her embarrassment and then hurries off to…
Loved Don Cheadle’s line about Trump: “a racist, abusive coward who could permanently damage the fabric of our society”
“re-written and re-shot to within an inch of its life”
This question pisses me right off.