I want to be president of calendars!
I want to be president of calendars!
I work at a research institution and edit the work of people with PhDs for a living. Everyone is shitty to me because I have a BA, meanwhile I work for a guy with two doctorate degrees who doesn’t know the difference between “affect” and “effect.”
If nothing else, this scenario shows how far women have come. Now that we have a zillion other options to live life, you know like how dudes could for centuries, women should be asking what’s in it for them and if there isn’t anything because the guy and/or career options suck, bail. Whereas before, marriage and kids…
The HMS Terror found in Terror Bay? Convenient!
Does Will Smith just take any part given to him as long as he’s a father either separated from his kids or lost them forever?
Flow predates Spore by several years. The game was even criticized by many for copying Flow so directly for the first phase.
Paranoia Agent. It’s a shame we’ll never have something from Satoshi Kon again.
Secularism is a big thing in France, of course in the US you have no idea what it’s like. You should really educate yourself before making the claim that French people are totes cool with Catholicism.
The humiliation of being told to put something on because I’m too scantily clad, is nothing compared to the fear and shame I’d feel at forcibly being told to take something off.
Ashley Feinberg is a goddamn national treasure
Welp you can't kick me out of your generation, so tough shit.
Allahu Aloha Akbar
He said “so every other play didn’t end with a shredded ligament.” Why don't YOU try some reading comprehension?