
So what's the point of having it? A light fixture that functions as if it doesn't exist! As far as I know light fixtures are supposed to block, reflect or change the light coming out of the light bulb, not to keep it dry from a leaking ceiling.

The following is my contribution to your insightful statement:

Seriously yes! Some Apple haters are stupid enough to believe everything that sounds bad for Apple.

"knowing what apple is doing is borderline illegal"

Having being cheated by Bill Gates and almost killed by a platform that was stolen from them made Apple so tough about their intellectual property. You can't blame them. They don't want that to happen again.

"That's 20 years ago.. I was just born. This is so irrelevant."

Actually, it should be like this:

Simple solution! Draw with a pencil first and go over it with the Wacom pen.

My HP desktop was the reason that made me switch to Mac six years ago. Thanks HP for helping me see how wonderful some computers are.

No one buys their quality products when you can buy a better alternative from Apple for the same price or less. What they sell is cheap low quality machines and those desktops that go to cubicles all around the world.

Just check this link:

No, but you need a lot more RAM to run the anti-virus software and the RAM-hungry Windows, and the lack of it is almost as bad as having actual viruses in a configuration like this one.

The Asus pictured above looks like a bloated MacBook Air. Why would anyone (except Apple haters) pay $1000 for it, when they could get the real thing for the same price (yes MBAs will have Ivy Bridge too)? In order to compete with Apple's offerings, they need to be priced for at least $200 less than the comparable

You must be one of those who moaned about the lack of floppy drive when Apple released the first iMac.

You know that all Macs have digital audio out?

With your logic, you should be okay if you copy a competitor's new product/technology before they are awarded the patent. You can steal if you are faster than the patent office.

Actually you don't need to change the internal HDD since Thunderbolt makes internal speeds for external drives possible.


If it was from Apple, HP would surely copy it without hesitation.

Think of it this way. By using a MacBook you save about 20 times the volume and weight of the adapter only because Apple power bricks are much smaller than any other brand's. And unlike other laptops, you don't need to buy and carry a mouse to be productive thanks to the perfectly responsive giant multitouch pad, or