This process makes no sense. Shouldn't the newspapers have indicated who they should have KEPT for the oral sex?
This process makes no sense. Shouldn't the newspapers have indicated who they should have KEPT for the oral sex?
I'm a CoolGirl (TM), I don't even know how my hair got this shiny because it isn't like I care about stuff like makeup and blow dryers, all my friends are guys and sometimes I forget I'm not a dude myself.
This is going to sound really mean but, I'm all out of fucks to give this year.
emma watson's speech was perfect BECAUSE of its simplicity. i thought it was so eloquent and exactly what a lot of people needed to hear—including myself, because it re-instilled my faith in the women of my generation
Exactly. But I would go a step further and say that until people at large (not just celebs) understand what feminism means, Feminism 101 is definitely in order. You can't really bring new things to the table when most people can't even see the damn table to begin with!
To all of the people who were putting Emma Watson down yesterday for not bringing anything new to the table regarding feminism or for just giving basic "Feminism 101" in her speech -
Yeah, that pretty much summed it up. We would be no where good without feminism, I'm extremely fucking grateful. I mean, only 100 years ago we couldn't even vote.
She basically majored in three different flavors of the same discipline. My guess would be that 75% of her classes overlapped.
No one teaches the journalism majors not to single source articles with inflammatory allegations. Also no one teaches them to call the subject for comment.
It SCREAMS "Dude's idea of hazing" to me.
A recent graduate who attended Hofstra at the same time as Kazantsev told Jezebel that the final two steps of pledging in one (unnamed) sorority involved making all of the pledges remove their underwear and sit on newspapers while the older members forced them to watch lesbian porn. Anyone whose newspaper stuck to…
No no, it's true! My mom's only sister's only daughter's only cousin told me!
We really need this as well ... (God, I love this film) ...
My day is ALWAYS improved by John Oliver.
"A recent graduate who attended Hofstra at the same time as Kazantsev told Jezebel..."
Under Kira's supervision, according to the source, pledges in the incoming class were called names, berated for their perceived physical flaws and imperfections, and made to perform physical tasks to the point of bruising and exhaustion.
Because this post shouldn't run without this virtuoso bit from last night's LWT: